


6 years, 9 months ago


Species Info

These two are partners in crime, rather- political leaders. As little ones, they were good friends, because they were both weirdos, primarily. Pryce had trouble with his..peculiar eye issues, and because of Kano's bad social grace, he was often picked on. So naturally, the two freaks gravitated towards one another and supported each other when no one else would. They went on to become political leaders, using their charisma and Pryce's fighting skills, they conquered bandit clans and united the exile lands under one democratic (of sorts) rule where beforehand there had been none.
They became leaders of a sort, but they kind of wing it.
Kano handles most of the paperwork (of course) and Pryce handles the military and people skills.
Left guy is Sixbanes, His name is Kano; Uppity, neat and tidy, and a bit of a weirdo who has trouble making friends. The sort to be class president and most people find him rather annoying because he's super picky over everything. Very logical/rational and straight to the point- his way or the highway.
Looks cute, but won't hesitate to puff out and defend himself if you offend him.
He uses logic above all else, the greater good before the individual, and often makes suggestions that seem entirely inhumane to others, but he has all the best intentions as they're usually the only option he sees with a high success rate.

The right belongs to Me, His name is Pryce. He has FACE BEAMS; meaning he has to keep shades on to avoid blinding people. He's goofy, charming, and suave af.
A hit with the ladies, but his heart belongs probably to his lovable loser Kano.
Tends to get carried away at times and can sometimes get overpowered and bossed around by his partner, but when they're in real danger it is usually Pryce who stands up to handle the threat.