


2 years, 9 months ago



Sexuality Lesbian
Pronouns She/Her
Species Kasha
Age 80+
Height 5'4
Smells Like Earthy, sweet, and rot covered by cheap rose scent

Deranged • Polite • Tactful

Hachi Is a Kasha that resides in old hell, with a passion for raising plants. As might be expected, plants are rare underground and hard to tend to, meaning that she works hard to keep even a few rare speciments alive.

In an event that some might describe as misfortune, at one point she stumbled on a rare, parasetic plant. Now functioning as it's host, it's made itself home on her leg and actively saps nutrients from her to survive. She has Sepsis. The only reason she's still alive is that she's a youkai. Yea.

The leg hosting the parasetic plant is nearly inusable, and she chooses to fly a few inches off of the ground rather than walk because of this. Additionally, she avoids participating in danmaku battles as much as possible. Oftentimes, she'd rather give in to what people want then fight it out. She's rather polite, and very passive. Not a high danger level for humans

She rarely visits the surface [finds it much too cold, even in summer] but occasionally visits to collect bodies to use as fertalizer. Spends a lot of time alone in general.


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