


2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Illushy

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Shadow

Favorite Food: Lollipops

Element: Dark

Powers: Transformation imitation, hiding in the shadows, shadow strike, voice imitation, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite comrades!"

Likes: Mimicking others, getting attention, helping her "comrades", looking cute, playing games, shadow puppets, and sweets.

Dislikes: Bright sunlight, being ignored, disappointing her friends, being alone, complicated rules, and microwaved food.

Personality: In her initial appearance, Illushy is shown to find it fun to mimic the appearances and voices of others to cause problems. While she is still shown to enjoy this after her defeat and eventual friendship with the heroes, Illushy shows a much nicer and loyal side of herself. She is very passionate in aiding anyone she considers a "comrade" and will go to great lengths to help in any way she can. She is very outgoing and loves to make new friends.

Home: Animal Planet: Dark World

History: Illushy was born and raised on Animal Planet in the Dark World. When she was younger, Illushy disliked that fact that she was often ignored due to her nature as a Shadow and began mimicking the appearances and voices of others to gain the attention she desired. At some point, her antics reached Sketches and Lightning, who eventually knocked some sense into her and caused her to tone it down. Ever since that day, Illushy has considered Sketches and Lightning her "comrades" and occasionally shows up to aid them. In one notable occasion, Illushy perfected mimicked the arc antagonist to save the heroes from certain doom, while also tricking them in the process.

Current-Bio: Illushy currently lives on Animal Planet, but has left the Dark World in favor of traveling around to help others. While she doesn't appear frequently in the plot, she occasionally shows up to help the heroes in some way.

Meta-History: Illushy was created around 2017-2019, making her one of the newest characters of mine to receive a bio. I haven't posted any pictures of her prior to this bio, but a concept doodle from 2019 exists in my saved folder. She's not completely unique considering that I have several shapeshifting characters that I made long before her, but she was inspired from something different than the others. In the late 2010's I got into the Puyo Puyo franchise and began watching videos of the fan translated older games, one of which being Puyo Puyo~n. In this Puyo Puyo game, the main antagonist is revealed to be Doppelganger Arle, who intends to replace Arle (and she also claims to be the real Arle, but that's a lot of lore for another day). Anyways, this inspired Illushy's prototype, dubbed Doppel who was a lot more antagonistic than the current Illushy and intended to do something similar to the heroes. At some point she got remained to Illushy and became more friendly.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: While they were initially enemies, Illushy considers Sketches to be her friend after her defeat, and refers to him as a "comrade".

Lightning: Similarly to Sketches, Illushy sees Lightning as a friend after their initial fight and calls him her "comrade", much to his annoyance.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later