Shade Claymore



3 years, 1 month ago


name ⇢ Shade Claymore  (previously/deadname: Stella Claymore)
age ⇢ 16
birthday ⇢ 27th of December, 6550
orientation ⇢ Homosexual/Homoromantic
gender ⇢ Trans-Male
pronouns ⇢ he/him
species ⇢ Navy-fur Dog/Cat, small amounts of Draconic genetics in there somewhere!
height ⇢ 4'6" / 137cm
affiliation ⇢ Metropolis Hero Academy  (hero name: Kintsugi)
colour association ⇢ Cerulean
mana/magic type ⇢ Astronkinesis / Manipulation of remnants of Stardust (Advance-Tier Mastery)
- Create shield out of stardust pulled towards self.
- Set stardust alight to create flames of varying colour depending on materials of stardust.
- Use it as fuel to create flames to use as propulsion to move around in the sky or as a general speed boost.
- Create star shaped projectiles that do metal/fire damage.
- When aggravated nearby stardust sets alight and if powered up can cause a small shooting star/meteor to land nearby.
- Can survive on air that isn't oxygen, as long as it has the right materials.
life goal ⇢ Save as many people as possible and try to make people's lives better. That's all you're good for, so do it or else.
playlist ⇢ n/a

⇢ Shade grew up in a regular suburban neighbourhood, playing at the park when he could and doing regular kid things. He'd always watch television and see hero's working and admired how they helped people! Thus kickstarting his want to be a hero. At age 7 he realises the gender he wants to be and comes out to his mother, saying that he wants to be a boy like his new younger brother. His family accepted him despite some school classmates denying him and being bigoted. He's always been open about his emotions, well at least the positive ones. He silences his issues and screams out his successes. He was very excited when he was accepted into the closest Hero Academy located in Metropolis City at age 10, as being a Hero is serious work and needs the hero teachings in line with regular education. He told everyone about that because that was great! What he didn't tell anybody was the constant comments about him and varying levels of bullying he had received ever since he started school. As someone with Autism his social skills and the way he thought were a tad different from everyone and of course, people being people found it easy to bully him for that. Sometimes he wishes that he wasn't open about his gender, orientation and neurodivergence but he can't find himself to hide it. The bullying he's experienced ranges from emotional and mental to physical, even to the point where he gained a scar near his neck going onto his torso after trying to fight back one time, cause of this he's learnt not to fight back from the bullying. Behind his bright starry smile he's beginning to crumble and collapse, as before he wanted to be a hero because he enjoyed helping people, he now is trying to become a hero because he believes that the only thing he's useful for is using his magic to help save people, other than that he considers himself a waste of space as his mental health has degraded from bullying, causing un-diagnosed severe depression and general anxiety. But he still has happy moments that make him live on and continue his hero training instead of giving up and kicking the bucket. He keeps talking to a really nice boy who works at a bakery near his school! At least that guy treats him like a person and not breathing garbage.