


3 years, 28 days ago


















 Male (?)

 He/ They




Aelon is generally considered to be a very skilled designer in his specific area, mainly because he's so completely passionate about his job and is able to dedicate an amount of time to learning, researching and creating that few other Celestials at his level are able to bear.
He's very easily excitable and can go on for hours about his favorite subject (butterflies mainly, but he does like various other Earth insects). When he starts talking, he has a way of making anyone listening interested in whatever subject he's speaking about.
Despite having essentially worked in the same place for millions of years, he's very content to stay there and would never consider moving on to other things; he likes the stability and familiarity. In fact he tends to be rather averse to change, surprisingly.


- His outfits are usually at least slightly themed around butterflies
- Travels to Earth often for hands-on experience. Though partly it's to find things to bribe his intern/ adopted son, Zephan.
- Can shapeshift, after a long time of researching and studying the thing the wants to change into. Also has a 'cosmic blob' form like Zephan, though he rarely shows that as he has full control over his appearance.


Aelon was formed before humans were such a large force on Earth. He spent much of his time exploring Earth before he had even formed a first practical body, deciding to take inspiration from what he saw- and he immediately took an interest to the small insects that seemed to be everywhere. When he was able to actually start working, he very quickly managed to climb his way up the hierarchy.
His main reasons for this were simply he thought his favorite types of insects were... just rather plain and drab and could do with some colour. Once he managed to get his ideas out there many rallied behind him thinking it'd be a fun change to designing in the relatively small department. Generally, he was a favorite among many who worked around him.
Once humans began becoming a bigger part, however, things became difficult. Some unfortunate incidents happened regarding lesser, young celestials being seen with incomprehensible forms accidentally terrorizing people, Earth was entirely blocked off from all lesser celestials, including Aelon. Nobody liked this, and it took far too long for the ones in charge to actually realize it was debilitating their main work. It took even longer for Aelon to be allowed permission to revisit Earth.
He's still very bitter that humans became such a big deal, and he avoids them wherever he can, though his intern and adoptive son Zephan makes that difficult with his opposite intense interest in the things and their inventions.

In current day, you may rarely catch a glimpse of him lurking about, though for the most part when he's forced to make trips to Earth he'll steer well clear of any human settlement except for the occasion he decides to try picking up some trinket for Zephan.

Zephan is Aelons current assistant and intern, though this arrangement wasn't entirely done willingly, more by random chance. They get along better than Zephan gets along with others (In fact Zeph possibly considers Aelon to be sort of a father figure). Aelon often brings them gifts of human stuff he finds when going on trips to Earth.

credit to asterismz!