


2 years, 9 months ago


Basic Info

Name: Asaroth D. Frostbourne

Preferred Name: Roth


Age: 14 (Arc 1), 18 (Arc 2), 19 (Present), 21(Finale)

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Species: Pseudo Human| Deity(Finale)

Type: Mage

Specialization: Ice and Lightning Magic. Dark Magic(Sealed)

Occupation: Graduate Academy Student/ Adventurer(Present)| Deity of Dark (Future)


Physical Traits

Height: 5'6 (167.6cm)

Weight: 76.6lbs (71.6kg)

Build: Stocky

Face Shape: Heart 

Eyes: Downturned 

Special Features: Beauty Marks| Body Scars

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Romantic Orientation: Aromantic

Relationship Status: Complicated 



+ Objective| Self Reliant| Confident| Observant| Resourceful Protective

+/- Soft-Spoken| Instinctual| Cautious| Strong-Willed| Unpredictable

- Stoic| Low EQ| Unsocialized| Wary| Skeptic| Stubborn| Distant


Likes: Cold Weather| Bones| Snow| Ice Cream/Popsicles| Frozen Treats| Meat| Reptiles| Insects| Reading| Sparring| Light Foods| Calligraphy| Ice Skating| Seafood| Exploring| Sparring| Dim Places

Dislikes: Heat| Hot Springs| Spicy Foods| Strong Taste/Smells| Meaningless Exercise| Brightly Lit Areas| Small Spaces| Humid Weather| Baked Treats| Being Feeling Trapped| Politics

Hobbies: Ice Sculpting| Creating Magic Circles| Experimenting with Magick


  • Becomes stir crazy easily and feels cagey if he's stuck in doors too long
  • His necklace was strung together by his adoptive parents when he was brought home, he had a small hoard of his 'trophies' from his monster kills, so the fangs where ground to a smaller size and the blood amber was shaped into beads. It has an aggro effect on certain monsters and a repellent effect on others.
  • His bracers and boots are made from the leather of a horned snake monster that he fought before leaving the forest. He and the snake had a rivalry to fight for Ruler of the Frozen Forest. The final battle they were mutually wounded and he managed to cut of its tail. His adoptive father found him with it, and had it turned into leather to preserve. His adoptive parents had it turned into a boots and bracers as a gift before he left for the Academy, It has a deterrent effect on reptilian monsters.
  • Smiles when he's about to do something inadvisable.
  • His hands are rated E for Everyone
  • Roth has poor impulse control.
  • Like to relax in high places where he can observe his area, unobserved
  • Sensitive to loud noises and bright lights
  • Can't stand anyone being behind him, it instantly makes him defensive
  • He is prone to snapping and biting 
  • Fights to win, often fights dirty taking any openings he sees
  • He's still half feral despite living in civilized areas for so long
  • Gets riled up at the sight/smell of blood
  • Enjoys time alone and prefers the company of those who can appreciate silence if he must have company
  • Often seen wondering around in negative degree weather with no outer wear and bare footed
  • Like to soak in the lakes outside when it's cold
  • Bites into ice cream instead of licking
  • Has an oral fixation so he's prone to putting things in his mouth that he shouldn't and chewing on things when he's absent minded
  • Doesn't speak much to the point most of his classmates suspected he was mute or didn't understand the local dialect for most of his school days
  • Often feels a sense of separation and alienation from others due to his growing godhood
  • He has eaten a lot of things that would make many people shudder in disgust
  • Has no gag reflex
  • He's a blindspot in the Light Deity's Omniscient Eyes. 
  • The closer he came into His Divinity the more of an attraction he had to things associated with/blessed by the Light Deity.
  • He likes to collect bones and craft things our of them.