Chema Anarchy



2 years, 9 months ago



pronouns she/her

species Human

sexuality Aro/Ace

profession Villain


sign Pieces

Voice xxx

designer xxx


icon credit

background unsplash

Chema Anarchy

"Oh Tobey, you think you're so smart, eh? Well i'll show you smart! I'll show you genius!"

  • • Chemistry
  • • Quiet/Alone Time
  • • New Chemicals and Equipment for Experiments
  • • Beating Tobey At Things
  • • Dr. Two-Brains

  • • Rain
  • • The Dark
  • • Loud Noise
  • • Tobey
  • • WordGirl

  • • Still attends school regularly
  • • Very gifted in chemistry and mathematics
  • • Secretly admires WordGirl
  • • Enjoys Dr. Two-Brains company


Chema was a child prodigy who grew up in an orphanage in Fair City. She had very little friends hardly ever seemed to enjoy talking to others unless it was about her interests in which she always dominated the conversation. Due to her always being alone she would use that time to read up on advanced theories of the world and different sciences. As she grew she was put into school where she met a boy named Tobey. Chema was interested, she had never seen another child of the same intellect before and was fascinated. As she studied the boy she realised how much recognition he would get from those around him with his advanced inventions so she decided she needed to become even more impressive than him. Tobey soon took notice of the jealousy and engaged with constant competitions. However, one day when Tobey had finally begun his tirade against the city, Chema had a plan. She decided that besides WordGirl, there needed to be even more heroes, and surely becoming one herself would overshadow the boy she was so commonly against. As she began preparation for her plan, she mixed many chemicals to create a concoction that ruined her physical health. When she drank it, it turned her hair to multiple colored strings of glowing gloop. It made her hands leak corrosive matter at will and allowed her to make objects of the slime-like substance that hardens when cool. She was furious with her mistake and decided to take it out on the city and most importantly, Tobey. Chema had blamed Tobey for never giving the rivalry a break and pushing her to this point. As a failed hero, she also feels great disdain for WordGirl and uses her new powers against the city as well as to steal equipment for her experiments. Chema is a girl of strong intellect who prefers to keep to herself. Despite this loner persona, she's happy to infodump on anyone who asks her about her interests. She's a truly passionate girl who loves science of any kind, especially chemistry. As a villain she is incredibly quiet and calculated, preferring to work on her own and rarely talks to other villains. Even so, she has a habit of engaging in conversation with those she deems worthy enough only to steal ideas and concepts.

WordGirl | Rival

Chema hates WordGirl with a passion. The reason being that WordGirl is commonly in the way of her plans for Tobey, those are his destruction. The more Tobey's ridiculous schemes get noticed by her, the more Chema needs to get rid of her first. She also constantly interrupts her fights with the boy and struggles to conceal her anger when she sees her. She is happy to take care of WordGirl and fight her at any time

Tobey | Rival

Chema hated Tobey with a passion and will stop at nothing to be the source of his downfall. Even so, she does care about him in a sense. She refuses to let anyone destroy him or foil his plans other than her. Chema would do anything to cause pain and failure to Tobey and keep him safe from others in the process.


Chema enjoys 2B's passion and interest in chemical based weaponry. She takes many ideas from him and even steals small bits of tech she finds interesting. Even so, she respects him as a scientist and wishes to be as wise as him when she's older.