Rin (🌸🌸🌸)



Gender male
Orientation demi
Birthday april 6
Star Sign aries
Gender male
Orientation demi
Birthday feb 29
Star Sign pisces
Height Difference

Age Difference

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

After a long day at work and needing a cigarette, feeding strays becomes a habit. When one stray becomes comfortable around you, what are you to do but offer it food? And if it wants to stay? How could you deny it? That was the exact predicament V was in meeting a strange cat, Rin.

Their Relationship

If there was one word to describe the relationship these two share, it would be harmonious. On their journey together, like any good meal, it took time to prepare key facets to crafting perfection. Similarly, there was never a need to rush or feel a push. In such a way, the two were content indulging in what the other offered fullheartedly. Though admission of their feelings were stagnant, it was concern for the other that caused it. If one were to say it was hesitation, these two would surely laugh.

Like a puzzle, they fit; completing the other. With an end to loneliness began their joined journey of healing. No matter what pasts may haunt them, together they take steps forward to a promised future.

To any relationship, there is mutual understanding and shared values. Enjoying fun and social life, the two love experiencing all that life has to offer, and forging new memories. While the world has much to offer, behind closed doors they are able to confide in one another their secrets. If the world were to declare one the enemy, then trust the other would fight all with tooth and nail.

How Rin feels

After witnessing everyone dear to you fall like flies, after a while, you'll come to accept your fate as someone that was never meant to have a crowded life. A life full of smiling faces and a home to come to-- something so luxurious and taken for granted.

He's found these things with V and then more. Striving for a life together, it's taken centuries, but he's finally the happiest he's been.

How V feels

"No matter what steps have brought you here, believe that they were not mistakes. Take the fate you so desire in your hands, and have faith."

It is cliche to say you can see your whole future with someone. Not to mention, rash, idiotic, and uncaring of the dangers the unknown brings. Yet, with someone like Rin by his side, how could he be fearful?


  • Dating is overrated, why not jump to the engagement?
  • Spit swapping boba :sockpain:
  • Together, they live in Haymarket, Sydney; often taking trips to the beach.
  • Within the tattoo shop V works, there is a small cat area for Rin. The next door bakey adores him, giving V discounts when he brings pictures.
  • V wears a cowrie shell bracelet, gifted from Rin.
  • On Rin's leg is a Chinese style talisman tattooed by V. This style of tattoo in partiular from V symbolises a higher level of protection; promising to always care for the other.
  • They draw together for funsie.