
2 years, 9 months ago


they/she, leans masc

demon - oberhasli goat/flying fox, little bit of dragon mixed in there

weird lil guy <3

  • voted top 10 most likely to disappear into the forest for good one day
  • loves weird stuff, would be stoked to see an alien or bigfoot or something
  • big fan of going out into nature/traveling/road-tripping. LOVES tourist traps and attractions like the world's largest ball of twine
  • enjoys horror movies! and the x-files :>
  • visits abandoned places on occasion...loves to hang out in old overgrown buildings, find little strange niches in the woods, or loiter near the train tracks and wait for the trains to come.
    • often spotted mountain-goating along rock ledges, across boulders, sitting on old railroad trestles
  • is just so so silly. you don't even know how silly they are. loves to crack jokes and make puns.
  • usually looks pretty chilled out but is lowkey stressed like 24/7. gets super super excited about things sometimes and energy will go through the roof
  • can't breathe fire but does breathe smoke sometimes, it smells like campfire smoke
  • eyes glow a little in the dark, kind of like a cat's

Notes on drawing ‘em:

can be drawn with or without clothes (body type is chubbier but not especially feminine, as on ref)

anthro much preferred but semi-feral is also fine (especially if more on the monstery/demon-inspired side)

design is very flexible! feel free to play around with them & change things as long as major components are consistent;

  • Face markings (eye and nose marking specifically, ear should always be reddish) 
  • tail design (thickness, tail tip design/absence entirely, tail spikes)
  • wing design (size/shape/amount of detail/whether they connect to the body)
  • hand/paw design
  • snout shape
  • Amount of fur; absolutely feel free to draw them fluffier than on the ref
  • eye coloring style - the gradient is optional, as long as the yellow iris and orange sclera remain. usually i flat color the eyes these days lmao

these are all fine to change! i tend to draw her pretty flexibly myself. just make sure features remain recognizable!


  • wears a lot of casual clothes. jeans or canvas workpants mostly, jackets, flannels, sweatshirts and weird t-shirts. baseball caps with mane tied back.
  • if you draw 'em in the sweatshirt you don't need to add the pants. 
  • never wears shoes.
  • if you choose to deviate from the outfits on the outfit ref please nothing too feminine, their style is more masc (would rather wear a suit than ever be caught in a dress)

can be drawn with:

  • polaris! they like to hang out together and go hiking sometimes. polaris is much more chill than mars so they balance each other out well.
  • cass! mars thinks she's super cool and way out of her league (and cass thinks mars is cute ;) )
  • nasty! they are my two main sonas so they totally meet up and game sometime. just 2 silly dudes hangin