


2 years, 9 months ago









August 23

Theme song



Tokyo Teddy Bear


Voice Claim


Introduction · · ·

Karo is an OCsona which has a black colored straight long hair with a red strand on them. eyes are red colored and sharp with a yellow color as the glow on her eyes. Has a pale skin and often has a poker-faced on her face due to not being able to express her expresssion/emotion very clearly, though she actually is able to make other expression as the time goes.

She is often used for AUs/yumejoshi stuffs (oc x canon), such as enstars, helios, and prsk. Her height and backstory (,etc) would change a bit to adjust the world settings. Like for example for helios AU she has a haemokinesis (blood manipulation) as a substance/power. while in enstars AU instead of a producer she is a focused solo idol, though most people won't know her at first because of her taking a break and other things as well.


  • Sweets, cheesecake
  • Fashion (maybe a bit)
  • Cats
  • soft drinks (coke mostly)

  • Herself in a way
  • Sunlight (a bit because of personal reason)
  • Haunted house/horror (but still gets dragged in)
  • Spicy food (she can still handle some)

Personality · · ·

Karo is silent, calm, poker-faced most of the time. Although she is quite expressive to those she's close/trust to. Sometimes she find herself having a trouble on being honest when communicating. She also mostly acts to avoid any troubles, so her personality are kind of mysterious/confusing to some people. She has interest on fashion a bit and likes to style up, but sometimes still stays casual. Because of her fashion stye, sometimes it attracts people and it makes her a bit more appealing despite her decent looks.

Observant, Caring, Supportive

Despite her cold/acting personality, she's very observant and caring inside. Its a habit of her to observe people, especially if she has a hunch/feeling if the other person isn't feeling well. Bshe would notice even just a bit/little change from the other person. She would approach and ask if they're okay if she feels like they aren't feeling well. Karo is also very understanding, accepting and sympathetic. She would try so hard to help the other person and cheer them up, or at least litsen to them carefully. She's not an expert on giving advices but she at least try to give it if its needed.

Hardworking, Passionate

Karo is passionate and can be called determined on the goals she has/other put on her to. She would sacrifice her sleep and rest too sometimes. She accepts most work, even if it goes beyond what she's physically capable of doing alone/beyond her capabilities. Although this is also counts on her being passionate, hard-working attitude is one of her strong suits, many of her faults lie in it as well.

Overworking, pleasing

Karo tends to overwork because of her negative sides as well. She feels like she only deserve praises/a "good job" after working hard, especially if she's able to finish it. Other than that She never wants to let people down or fail to meet their expectations. Her feeling of wanting to be good enough for everyone heavily affects her self-esteem, this often leaves her in a rough state of insecurity, sadness, and makes her feel that she is not the strong child everyone expects her to be. She believes she's a very decent person and lacks so much compared to other people, so working hard and pleasing people maybe would fix those things she believe.

Distant, Closed, Blaming

Karo often keeps her own feelings locked away out of fear of burdening people or making them worry, though in fact she is truly is thankful when people worry for him and wants them to be. This also causes her to be sensitive to others when they're feeling the same way, and if she is able, she will attempt to lighten their burden by holding it on her own shoulders. She would rather solve and help other people than clearing out her own first. With that, sometimes it stressed her out especially if she isn't able to help the other person. She believes that it was her fault even though it probably wasn't. She is also scared to ask help to other people so instead she stays silent, even opening up scares her becuase of personal reasons and traumas. However, it makes her very touched when someone cares for her and tries to make her understand that she can trust this person.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

I could stop now but, it keeps repeating thousands of times... I’ll just keep hoping on tomorrow. Yes, that's right. Let's try again...

Trivia · · ·

She could act easily especially if its forced by the situation.
Often helps the student council even though she isn't a member of it. She would also often help the other clubs as well.
Her grades are decent and can get higher/even lower.
She likes ice cubes and sometimes would chew/eats them.
Doesn't know her real parents, she sometime assumes that she was thrown away.
Is pretty good at dancing and rapping in a way.
Tries to be calm and not show much expression (although it fails) when going to like a haunted house/watching horror movies. She thinks maybe slowly by agreeing to her friends to watch/going in to a haunted house (though maybe she was forced) it would make her less feared, but no. But she doesn't really mind with murderin, mysterious (and a bit thriller) kind of film
Has a bit low-blood pressure and sometimes gets an anemia. To begin with her physical condition isn't very good/expert (decent) but she can manage it. Sometimes would be found having a hard time breathing when stress, panic and other things attacks her.

Backstory · · ·

For karo's backstory, it changes depending on the world setting she's in. But in general, her backstory idea is her not knowing her real parents. She would often assume in the future that she was thrown away. She was adopted since she was small but unfotunately the family grew badly and conflitcs happen, which is different but still similiar in a way in each world setting/AUs. By her family situation, it leaves traumas to her and became distant.

Further backstory of her will slowly be revealed as i think its impossible to write every backstory from each world setting here.

Information · · ·

Her red hair strand is either colored/real. No one knows.

While her red eyes are porbably normal on some of the world setting such as enstars AU. While in helios AU for example, only the enemy side that has red eye colored so she's often rumored suspicious and assumed evil/bad luck by most people.Her eyes aren't just red colored only but with a orange and yellow-ish glow which sometimes would attract curious people.

Extras · · ·



@akiminoe (twt)

Luna is karo's partner in Sekai AU. Luna share the same grade as Arata Touno but 1 year age younger than him. Luna helps on the backstage live often and by that she met karo one day when karo tried to perform a solo live alone again on stage. Luna was amazed by her and she too wants to help her be more confident and solve her problems. As well as karo wanting to help luna as much as possible. Luna also looks like a big sister towards karo, although karo would often take care of her more even to the point trying to help on luna's assignment.

Both cherishes each other very well. Luna also would often ask karo to sleepover especially when she had another fight/gets scolded by her mother. Luna is close to Vivid Bad Squad because of her helping on the backstage and other reasons. That's why and one of the reason karo was able to meet and get along with them.


Ruru and karo are quite close and gets along well. It takes place in normal world setting/no particular AUs (i guess). If in sekai AU they met by circumstance and goes to a different school. Ruru is amazed on karo in some way and thinks her cool.

Both has quite similiar taste in fashion, though ruru would use a little bit simple compared to karo. Karo would spend her time to the arcade too with ruru and tries to get the bunny plushie from the crane game for her.


Like ruru, reo is someone she's close to but fights with everyday (not in a serious way). Both gets angry and challenges each other, but both still cares for each other.Reo often lose to karo on a challenge such as arcade games or maybe when they debate. But both has similiar/same taste on fashion. Both reo and karo would have times where they feel soft, like for example reo patting karo's head, etc.


Sayo is one of karo's close friend and the first girl she is friend with in Helios AU. Sayo is in the enemy side and is actually a spy, sayo assumes karo doesn't know that about her because of karo hard to be read. But actually karo had a feeling of her being a spy but didn't bother it much since she believes sayo is a nice person

Both sayo and karo likes sweets and they would often hang out together when they are free together with Will Sprout and Ren Kisaragi. Even though karo and sayo are in different sectors, karo often comes to the west sector due to being close to the other members as well. Sayo is also like a big sister towards karo, she looks and would take care of karo because of karo not taking care of herself properly, and because sayo got attached to her.


In helios AU, just like sayo, Choco is also a west sector member and eventually gets closer to karo. Choco would also visit the north sector to come visit karo and gast adler (which she took interest in). Karo was also suprised just like other to found her having a superstrength as her substance despite her soft look.

Choco is quite cheerful and very lovingly towards karo. Karo also knows how her personality would change when she's with gast/some other people but rather not talk about it and giggles on it, finding it funny and entertaining to watch


In helios AU, Kota is also a fellow member of west sector. Could play the piano/keyboard and fond of music. Because of that kota and karo eventually gets closer and would play/sing together alongside leonard wright jr. and faith beams. The four of them are fond and likes music, and they would also sometimes hangout together.

Kota is also a very lovingly person and would hug karo anytime, karo doesn't mind that either but would get embaressed and blush a bit. Kota too would teach some fun things that karo doesn't know like maybe for example skateboarding.


Kaibo is in the south sector in helios AU but would also hang in the west sector (a party indeed). Has her own secret for having so much money and would take out karo to eat dinner and shop together. Karo would feel bad because of the money kaibo spent for her and herself.

Kaibo is really cheerful and quite an open person. She likes to spend times with karo and have fun with her as well as entertain her with new stuffs. She also would by any chance drag karo to the club just for fun or maybe ask her to sing there (maybe alongside faith as the DJ)

code by 00Ishikawa00