


6 years, 8 months ago


Evan is from Alby's system

Evan - Age slider/host/original, sweet lil fox baby

Pox - Age slider? Nervous naga | Maison - Angry minus the angry part | Stencil - Grown-up attitude, ready to party | Natasha - Big 'ol wolf mom

Guestbook - Entity signed by every islander | Dove - Opposite day | Timothy - He's blue | Elf - Elf, elf, elf

Egg - Yellow RPG dude | Candy - Pink RPG gal

- System is self diagnosed as DID/DDNOS because it'd be near impossible to get properly diagnosed considering the circumstances
- His alters can get up front enough to control Alby's body, however looking through two sets of eyes to do so starts to get cloudy and bleary. It's rare for them to get that sort of control anyway and nobody really wants to...? It's reserved for emergencies and accidents
- System does not become active until Evan first slides past an age where it would have been. This skips the system being naturally formed, though, and ends up throwing a lot of random alters on a beach and into sudden existence
- Since there are so many alters in the headspace, whoever's fronting can't hear them all at once. They either need to be on the beach, co-fronting, or be using up the energy to project their voices forwards to be properly heard. Otherwise, the fronter hears muffled flashes of conversations and such, as if they were a few rooms away