
code by BunBox


AKA Nixy, Death-defier, Nini


Name Nix Brandt
Age 304 years old
Species Phoenix
Gender Genderfluid
Pronouns she/they/he
Height 5'6"
Occupation Phoenix
Orientation Pansexual
Playlist Nix
Voiceclaim Mute, cannot speak
Theme Song Bird Song
Alignment Chaotic Good
Zodiac Sagittarius
Tarot The Wheel Of Fortune
Discipline Mental
Affinity Fire, Wind/Air


  • They can't speak, other than making sounds that are oddly close to birds chirping, and rely completely on sign language to communicate
  • Phoenix are genderless as a species, but once Nix learned about human gender identities, they went "oh there's lots of these?? Why would anyone not want to be ALL of them?" ...they gendyfluid
  • and yes they did chose their first name themself, they think its funny to be disguised as a human and literally be named after their true species
  • Yes, their species and occupation are both listed as Phoenix, there's a reason for that :)


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

A genuinely happy soul that can be found conversing with the crew nearly 24/7. Most of their time is spent with Shani though, who also doesn't make them do anything on the ship, and the whole crew is taking bets on whether or not they're dating. Surprisingly mischevious, which is mostly harmless on its own, but pairs up with Shani's malicious humor just a little too well. Their identity as a Phoenix is kept hidden from most of the crew(for their safety as much as Nix's), so on the nights that someone who does know stays up on watch overnight, Nix will revert to their true form and stretch their wings a bit. While they were outgoing from the moment they set foot on the ship, they were not anywhere near as chaotic until they started spending all of their time with Shani. Seriously, the only reason those two haven't either sunk the ship or driven the crew to mutiny with their shenanigans is that Angeles comes along behind them to smooth things over.




None of the crew, besides Shani, know anything about Nix's past. It wasn't traumatic, they just don't care to delve into it with anyone else and Shani's respects their wish not to tell anyone. What Shani knows is this; Nix had lived within the highly secret enclave that the majority of the world's Phoenix reside in, of which the location of has been stripped from all records. So, like all the lives they lived before this one, Nix was raised in what they considered to be a stifling cage- with only the extensive journals of the what the lives that came before them experianced. Unfortunately, since most of those lives hadn't stepped foot outside of their safe-haven...Nix found them unbearable boring.

Against the wishes and advice of the rest of their kind, Nix set out into the world to make their own way through life and get a taste of something more. They traveled around at random for quite a few years before, quite literally, crash landing on the Red Lady in the middle of the night. Shani happened to be the one on watch that night and this chance meeting struck an immediate bond between the two of them. Nix certainly didn't set out to remain within the Red Lady's crew for as long as they have now...but they've enjoyed this time far too much to want to leave. And hey, the rest of the crew likes them too much to want them to leave either.



The Red Lady's Captain and likely Nix's best friend. Are they dating? Are they two very close friends? Does Shani show them respect just because Phoenix are Living Gods? Nobody really knows, despite all of their constant prying.


The Red Lady's first mate, Angeles is the person Nix trusts the most after Shani. They get along relatively well. Is also the only person to know the answer to whether or not Shani and Nix are together


The Red Lady's ship cat. Nix hates Rum, Rum hates Nix. Nobody can figure out why this is.