


2 years, 9 months ago


Notes :P an angel who started to get tired of his repetitive job and eventually turned against them, getting banished from the other angels. Because of that, they locked him up in the chains to prevent him from causing more problems leaving him to aimlessly wonder around searching for meaning. Over time he eventually comes to terms with how things are and starts to try to show he can join them once again I feel like he would go around helping average people and maybe he made a deal with the angels where if he helped so many people they would let him back in. A good potential plot twist tho would be if after all his work they still banished him and thats why he always seems sad "In the depths of his despair, the fallen angel, resolved to embark on a noble mission. He approached the divine council, humbly pleading for a chance at redemption. With a flicker of hope in his eyes, he proposed a pact to the celestial beings. His proposition was simple yet arduous: If he could prove his commitment to goodness by helping a specified number of deserving individuals, the council would reconsider his banishment and welcome him back into the heavenly realms. The terms were set, and his quest for redemption began."