Akuma Ukyo Yokai



6 years, 9 months ago




Name || Akuma Yokai ☁
Alias || Demon of Calamity ☁
Gender || Male ☁
Age || 30 human years (500+ demon years) ☁
Ethnicity || Japanese ☁
Orientation || Bisexual ☁
Occupation || Wolf yokai clan prince, demon of Calamity
Status || Married to Ryoko Yokai ☁
Theme || God of Calamity



  • Ryoko/Keeping Ryoko protected
  • Winter
  • Keeping tail neat and untangled
  • Battle/fighting


  • Humans
  • Petty Humans
  • Did I mention humans?



AKUMA (あくま): Born in mid winter of 1603 in Edo Japan. Akuma is a Bakemono Yōkai in the human world. Akuma was the born prince of the wolf yōkai clan Ashina in the spirit world. His eyes are a golden yellow that emit a low shine of light from his eyes. On the nights of a full moon, his eyes turn to a crystal blue hue. Being a Bakemono Yōkai, he has the ability to shape shift, and put off a strong spiritual aura which he can easily conceal to hide from others who can sense him. Yōkai are considered enemies in the human world. Which was also rare since he was the prince of the Ashina clan that was well known to the humans. The non-yōkai wolf clan members feasted on the the meat of humans and many other animals. Or took pure pleasure in slaughtering for the joy of killing humans. Only a select few of the clan members had the ability to shape shift, and take the form of a spiritual or 'human-like' form while the rest remained as wolves. Some wolves had the ability of speech, even though they didn't have a normal body. Despite being the prince of the Ashina clan, Akuma spent most of his time traveling alone leaving two of his lackeys to keep the clan in check through his orders. One of Akuma's first real memories was with him as a small child nuzzled next to one of his wolf companions in the sister tribe who had the gift of speech with demon abilities. Her name was Ashura (阿修羅). Ashura was Akuma's first love, she protected him as a child and nurtured him in replacement of Akuma's mother who was slaughtered in front of him as a small child. Akuma keeps these memories buried in his subconscious, yet plagues him in his nightmares. Akuma often dreams of seeing a woman being slaughtered with no way of knowing who she is. Not knowing the women dying so helplessly in his nightmares was his own mother. Ashura consoles Akuma through his nightmares as he sleeps. Humans and yōkai co-exist together, but also separately. There are many yōkai that choose to live among the humans and travel back to the spirit world. The clan often stayed in the human world. Akuma has a tragic past of the death of loved ones both mother and father. He often spends his time traveling with his companion Ashura battling other yōkai and even humans that cross their path. Akuma's dark past has lead him to feel nothing but hatred, and anger. He often puts a shield up so no one can hurt him, but this also prevents Akuma connecting with anyone but himself and Ashura. He takes his rage out on slaughtering most things that come across his path. Body features: Akuma has black hair with a white streak in the front. His hues are golden yellow which turn crystal blue on the night of a full moon. From past events of being beat down by another yōkai, Akuma has two scar son his cheeks. His body is fairly tan, until the night of a full moon his body changes to a pale appearance. He has wolf ears that are black, with a long black tail he uses in battle. Along with his body, he is toned but not bulky muscular. But his features also vary. He also has another form. This form unlike having hair with a streak, his hair is long and his eyes are golden yellow with a listless look in his eyes. As though any happiness was non-existent. Personality Cocky, with a hard headed attitude. Most of the time serious. To the ones he loves he can come off as rude, but it's his way of caring. He's a firm believer in stern love, he'll give you the shirt off his back while calling you an idiot at the same time. Weapons: Akuma carries a sword forged by the souls of defeated demons. It's complied of their bones, and flesh. Their spiritual power is what fuels the powers of the sword. There's is a constant red fog/aura around the sword, as it's the demons spiritual power shrouding the sword of darkness. Akuma can also use his tail in the line of battle, his fluffy tail can transform into sharp blades, and fling needle-like shards of fur at an enemy. Cutting them to pieces before they have a chance to move. Abilities Akuma has the ability to shape shift into anything. A human female, another yōkai, animal, and plants. He emits a spiritual aura which he can conceal to hide his strength. Akuma has incredible strength, and healing abilities with lightening speed. Akuma has a sword he carries forged by the souls, and bones of dead yōkai. With the sword he can use his own spiritual energy to increase the strength of his sword that can cut down an army of demons, trees, or anything in the way. Akuma has the ability to fly, using his tail as a boost to keep him drifting.


Akuma is always seen wearing Yukata's (summer time kimono's)
His favorite colors are red, black, and gold (especially loves red Yukata's with red and Black)


t6Rx1vH.png Ryoko Yokai [ MARRIAGE Ryoko Yokai 遼子 妖怪 It wasn't long before Ashura and Akuma grew separate from each other. Fact of the matter is they couldn't breed, Ashura was destined to be with another to rebuild the sister tribe. Despite Ashura birthing pups, both Ashura and Akuma still kept contact. Ashura still felt she needed to watch over Akuma even as a full grown Wolf Demon. In the time of Ashura having pups, Akuma gathered his tribe and headed north of Edo. Walking up onto a small a village of humans. Akuma's abhorrence for the mortal world only increased with the absence of Ashura. Seeing a plentiful village of humans he gave a directive to the tribe to annihilate any human, allowing no human to exist within the village. Hours passed as screaming bloodied vessels hastened to escape their destiny of death. The village slaughtered, with one survivor. A woman, the wolves drug her out of her out of the machiya. Akuma seeing the pitiful yet pretty women, picking her up by the throat. He analyzed her well being envisioning the dreadful things he intended to do. She cried, begged pleading for her life "You'll suffice for now." Akuma told the woman. In that instance, he felt a presence not of this world. Looking from a far seeing a woman dressed as a Geisha. Feeling low emitted spiritual energy from this mysterious woman. His mind intensified, forgetting the woman in his hand he held in the air by the throat and dropped her. The woman he sensed fled, but at that point he made it his soul mission to follow her. To find out more about her, who abruptly exposed emotions Akuma thought he never had. From the shadows at a distance Akuma kept himself near the mysterious woman he seemed to feel profoundly connected to. Years had passed, Akuma never missed a beat keeping his whits about and eyes on the woman. A sorrowful night approached for the woman, Akuma's senses surfaced on full guard. Hearing the deal made between Ryoko and her house mother made with a brew of tasteless human males. Akuma followed closely in the shadows, watching Ryoko be told to stripe down as they bellowed out slanderous words at her. Akuma's fuel of hatred overwhelmed him. Charging into the room busting every door and wall. He slaughtered the men who gazed their eyes upon Ryoko. For the first time in the passing years. Akuma laid his eyes upon Ryoko, bowed before her taking her hand to ask for marriage. "Let me take you away from this place my lady. Under my protection, you will no longer suffer the regret of catering to these wretches." Ryoko introduced herself, seeing the Wolf Demon that once slaughtered her entire village she protected. Her feelings conflicted, yet trusted his words and took his hand in marriage. Both Ryoko and Akuma being Yokai their lives much longer than mortals. Spent the rest of their days living happily. Though Akuma's disgust for mortals never ceased, his onslaught on the mortal world slowly faded away from the memories of onlookers who knew Akuma the Yokai, the demon of calamity.  ]