Yamiko Vanguard



2 years, 8 months ago


Yamiko Vanguard

Species: Vanguard

Gender: Female

Age: Way too old to give an age.

Dead, died from “old age”. But it saw suspicious since she was meant to live for another thousand years, but her lifespan suddenly dropped as if it was drained.

Height: 30 inches (the height of a dining table(, (72.6cm), (2’5).

Oldest of her 15 siblings.

Eldest child of The Universe.

Her mother is known as “The Universe” or called “Uni” for short. She is basically the mother black hole which keeps everything in space moving, she has a conscience and god like powers. If she dies life itself and everything in space will probably get sucked in and die. Unless one of her children (the Vanguard) take the role of Universe.

She became the Universe after her mother died.

Bio: Was known to be very “hungry” for her husband Crimson. Her husband is a reaper, he is probably going to die soon from old age as well though. (Will update when he dies.)

Has about 8 children, the children will be named when I put them in this chat.

Usually very friendly, though she had PTSD and sometimes had sudden shifts in her emotions where she suddenly got depressed.

She can get very protective, especially when it comes to Crimson, tending to be reckless when it comes to battle.

There are times especially when it came to death, she would have an PTSD attack which would cause her to snap and just destroy and absorb everything like a blackhole. Stealing its power.

Yamiko’s Past: When she was born, life itself was still being created. The universe herself keeping everything in balance and spinning around here. Back then a lot of life would die, planets and everything just colliding. Stars exploding, so much happened it was almost chaos.

It was so scary for Yamiko it caused her to completely lose her mind, ended up being the one destroying everything and taking the power. Absolutely no control over herself, it got so bad her mother had to lock a part of her away. Resulting Yamiko to not be whole, and was not even herself anymore. She felt empty all the time.

Many many light years past, and Yamiko would live in the Universe until one day. Her siblings would split up and she left, she roamed endlessly in space. Searching for something to make her feel whole again, until she found Earth. She would roam around there, sometimes eating any creature there (including humans) if she felt like it would fill the hole in her but it never did.

One day she met Crimson and yeah. It let to them being married and eventually having kids... Crimson one day found something that belonged to Yamiko, which ended up accidentally freeing her other half. Which lead her to being whole again, Yamiko didn’t seem like the Yamiko he knew anymore. A once empty short girl suddenly became this almost out of control girl. But after a while, Crimson managed to find a way to calm her down (mostly through affection.) and she finally got to be whole forever.

Alright so enough about the past. Let’s hop to when she was dying:
She started to suddenly get old rapidly, most of it was due to having kids. But this was different, she didn’t have anymore kids after 8.

Her husband tried to keep her alive by giving his lifespan but it was never enough. It would continue to drop rapidly. Until one day her time was up, it was really hard for Crimson, since he was the reaper and this was his wife.  Of course the kids were told, they were very sad... EXCEPT FOR ONE KID called Mira, who absolute gave no shit. He reaped her, she passed away in his arms and it devastated him.

They had a funeral and that was the end of Yamiko.