


3 years, 26 days ago




"The Broken Queen."

She was a normal warrior of Thunderclan, living her life in peace, until the rouges came along.

She was forced to bare the son of the deputy of the rouges. She hates Redclaw dearly. She was always abused by him and suffers severe PTSD because of him and his actions. She is constantly in fear that her son will be taken from her.


Name Prickledust
Age 4
Gender Female
Species American Shorthair
Birthday 4/15
Clan Thunderclan
Mate Redclaw (formerly)
Kits Rubblerock
Occupation Elder

  • Her son
  • Being around her clan
  • Staying near her friends

  • Being away from her clan
  • Her former lover
  • Her nightmares


  • She suffers severe PTSD. She always has nightmares about Redclaw
  • She is very socially awkward and mostly keeps to herself since she met her ex-mate
  • She rarely leaves camp because of her terror
  • She is very mentally unstable and has severe anxiety and depression. She is very shaky.

Design Notes

  • She is a beautiful silver color.
  • The scars on her back is from Redclaw.


She had one child by the rouge deputy. She was forced to bare him and was constantly abused and beaten down. He tore her apart and demanded he take the kitten from the moment he was born. She is constantly living in fear and will often freak out from her nightmares and have severe anxiety attacks. She is almost constantly in and out of the medicine cat's den. She was forced to retire from her warrior ways due to being mentally unable to do her duties.

She is very close to her son and likes to be around him. He is the only one that can calm her down. She is extremely protective over him after years of protecting him from her ex. She likes to keep an eye on him and will often have an anxiety attack whenever he is away. She was not always like tha thtough. She used o be a strong, wonderful warrior before she met Redclaw. Their romance turned sour quickly after he started demanding children from her.

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