


8 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Genderfluid (they/them)

Glamoured/Disguised appearance

Dark bronze skin, blonde hair. Heavy set. Eyes always covered with sunglasses.


NAME: Chrrikrik A'rin ♦♦ ALIAS: Ricky ♦♦PRONOUNS: They/them ♦♦ AGE: 21
 D.O.B.: 03/25/1996 JOB:Cellphone repair/Overseeing construction, architecture, city planning, etc. 
Mole person   HOME:Chcharik'kili District of Xerichrome
 STATUS:Single ORIENTATION:Pansexual/Demiromantic
[MBTI] ♦♦ [SUN   | MOON   | RISING   ] ♦♦ [BLOOD TYPE ] ♦♦ [ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good]
 POSITIVES:Industrious, optimistic about the future, tries to help everyone in their community.
 NEGATIVES:Paranoid, sarcastic when angry, holds a grudge but doesn't act on it or talk about it.
 LIKES: Meat that is in burger/nugget form, crunchy food, 80s/early 90s rock music, sports cars, new tech
 DISLIKES:Whole meat,most vegetables, not being able to touch or smell things unfamiliar to them, birds, condescension
 HISTORY: Was studying to be an architect before circumstances led them to take up full time work instead. Some time after, a pair of very peculiar (and possibly alien) loan sharks offered to help them with their business. When they failed to come up with enough money to pay them back, they threatened their family and drove them to attempt (and botch) the robbery of a jewelry store. After spending months on the run, traveling down increasingly obscure and unused tunnels, they found themselves on the surface for the first time, completely undisguised and possessing only what technology they were able to carry on them.

Initial attempts to approach human civilization got nearly got them killed, though fortunately an owl harpy living nearby found and took pity on them, creating a charm that would let them shift into a mostly human form.

They spent time trying to adapt to surface-dweller society while working as a car mechanic, but eventually grew tired of the constant fear they felt being around predacious supernatural sorts and the constant fear of being seen and hurt by humans. When the opportunity presented itself, they moved to the city of Gar (later renamed Xerichrome) to help Acid Voltirage in building up the city and minimizing the impact of pollutants on life there- the latter especially after the political scene in the city-state Ricky came from became destabilized, and forced many moles to the surface as refugees. Ricky has worked to help their fellow moles adapt to life on the surface or join them in the Godless city they were living in.  The community they helped to establish and coordinate into being semi self-sufficient has flourished and continues to develop.

  • just stuff about them, as long as you want. this one also stretches the full width, not like the top columns. 
  • bulleted list works well
  • feel free to add/change/move/remove any emoticons
  • feel free to add/change/move/remove any sections
  • no credit necessary
 POWERS:cool stuff they can do
  • Physically pretty strong, good at wrestling and boxing
  • Extremely acute sense of touch and smell.
  • Possesses armband that can transform into and be used for a variety of things, namely a handheld cannon, a "gun" that can turn into a drill, a grappling hook, or a laser.
  • Also has a visor implant that allows them to see any light between the UV and infrared spectrum. Formerly allowed them to browse the Mole Internet.
  • Cybernetic implants that let them interface more easily with the two above items.
  • Learns and comes up with plans pretty quickly, though is prone to missing out on important details.
  • Is pretty much blind without their visor. Hearing is also somewhat less than average without it as well.
  • Not a terribly fast runner.
  • Or swimmer.
  • And is lowkey terrified of flying or anything to do with the air.

❝ song lyrics, a quote, or something they'd say can go here 

 husband;;how did they meet, how did the relationship progress, how do they feel about one another now?  best friend;;the name titles and emojis used are just examples, do whatever you want. click the smiley face on the ribbon for more of them. 
 crush;;to add sections just click in this table so that the little bar comes up. then click the three horizontal lines and do "add row". child;;this really does look best with only two columns due to width, but rows could be added infinitely.
 worst enemy;;symbols and name and whatnot can be changed. if you really wanted you could do it homestuck style and do card suits. parent;;description of relationship. description of relationship. description of relationship. description of relationship.

OBTAINED:Made by me 2 yrs ago
STATUS:not ufs/t