


2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Name Thina
Area Lullaby Forest
Birth 26/08/21
Gender she/Her
Race PixieMoth
Role Monster hunter
Alignment true neutral
Theme Wild

Thina is known to be a cold and solitary moth. No one ever expect her to be near when she's following them. Never in the general hive but always around guarding , she always sleep outside. Her best friends are three monsters she meet in her first days of life , Felyn the monkey cat , M.D.B the D.D.R serpanne and Nebulla the abyssal dolphin. she love to challenging her skills and making music with unique objects she can found. she loves the dance in the light of a full moon too


  • Being active
  • Melodies/Dancing/drawing
  • Being with monsters
  • Fluffy things


  • Crowd/peoples
  • Sudden noises
  • Being trap inside
  • People talking about her arts without understanding the real meaning


C Dragon Wings
C Mermaid
C bone
C Bio
B particles
B crystal
B Monarch
B tundra
Dwarf wings 

Parents :Laec(Dad) X Hilden(One thousand wishes) / Eskelion(Adopt Oncle)
Siblings : (coming soon)
Lover : None
Friends : Kora (secourist companion) , Bee (secourist companion) , Opal (Music lovers)
Ennemis : Arcane (dangerious being) , Melusine (Malicious witch), Alora (Rivals)
Other : None


Thina was born and drag into the hive by her dad , Laec

Some stories

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Laec  [ Annoying Dad ]

Her dad , she avoid him most of the time because if she get notice , she's trap in his arms with seconds, his worries for her and his eternal blah-blah-blah. from her way of acting she seems pretty rude and without gratitude for him , but deep inside she loves her dad deeply would protect him at all cost , he knows too.


Kora  [ Guard Companion ]

monitoring a very large territory alone was very exhausting in the past, a second guard made her an immense good, even if it was unthinkable to admit it at the beginning. They spilt rounds and parts around the hive , when they made sure that the island is still safe , they often walk along the coral shore and talks secretly like teenagers (dont tell anyone)


Alora  [Mercyless Rival ]

At first sight , they known that they would likely jump at each others throat. She even Arcane's possible partner , there's no way they could get along... except when its time to fight , their hates for each others leads to Extreme combat, which when they get asked what in the world happens?? they calls that training