Basic Info


Momo (she/they)


Very shy and socially anxious child who rarely speaks. Very gentle and caring soul.


Very shy, selective mute, scared of people, gentle, friendly, basically hides behind Amelia or Billy all day




Momo was born an orphan, but adopted into a loving family at very young age, she does not remember her time at the orphanage. She therefore considers her parents just as her parents, but is aware that she is adopted.

Her sister Billy seems to be unable to understand the concept of adoption, and loves her little sister Momo with utmost intensity, which Momo thinks is very nice. The two sisters live in a small village with a lot of nature around it, and Momo goes to school there with some other kids from the village.

Momo is good at most subjects since she reads a lot on her own instead of meeting up with friends, but has average grades due to not participating in class because of her social anxiety.


Momo is a very shy and socially anxious person who prefers to hide behind other over anything else. She usually hides behind her sister Billy, or her best friend Amelia. Momo is a selective mute, meaning she finds herself unable to speak in certain situations, while she is okay in others.

This condition, alongside her general shyness makes it so that only a few select people know what her voice sounds like. Luckily, she has a friend and a sibling who will speak up for her, and try to get her what she needs while also encouraging her to try and ask for it herself.

Momo is a very gentle and kind soul who wishes only the best for other people, and regards the needs of others as more important than her own. She is very kind and friendly, but rarely expresses herself due to her anxiety.

She doesn't like to be put on the spot, and therefore often helps people from the sidelines and without them knowing. Is someone missing a pencil? Suddenly, there will be one on their table. Did someone forget their lunch at home? A lunch appears in their locker. Momo doesn't need a thank you for any of it, and much rather likes to go unnoticed, just knowing she helped someone else out.



  • Momo has two pets, a cat and a dog, who help against her anxiety
  • Barely anyone knows what Momo's voice sounds like
  • Momo likes to hide behind people she knows to not have to talk to people
  • Momo likes to be in her room since she feels safe there


Amelia | Best Friend

Amelia has been Momo's best friend ever since she can remember. Amelia is outgoing and sometimes a bit brash in what she says. She is unapologetically herself, and completely fearless. Momo admires that about her.

Momo knows she can always talk with Amelia if she needs something, and even if Momo says nothing, Amelia will try and make sure she feels safe, and has everything she needs. Those two have been friends for so long, they don't need to talk to know what the other wants or needs.

Billy | Sister5772779

Billy's family adopted Momo one day, but since Billy is not intelligent enough to comprehend the concept of adoption, she was really happy that she just suddenly had a sibling! Ever since then, Billy has loves Momo with every bit of her being. Billy doesn't understand why Momo is afraid of things, but she doesn't mind the little one hiding behind her, and would protect her at any time.

Cherry | Pet Cat 2684707

Cherry is Momo's pet cat. Her presence at her house helps Momo with her anxiety. Cherry is a bit of a diva, and demands a lot of attention and scratches from Momo. She is also very clean, and a bit of a picky eater. But Momo doesn't mind that at all, she cares a lot for Cherry, and will provide her with everything she needs. This behaviour puts Momo above the rest of the family for Cherry.

Shiba | Pet Dog2674942

Shiba is Momo's pet dog. His presence at her house helps Momo with her anxiety. He needs little to be happy, and is a fluffy little ball of joy. Shiba loves to play and run around. He is also a very loyal, but also unintelligent dog. Momo just loves him the ways he is.

Mika | Classmate1330011

Momo is afraid of most of her classmates, but Mika seems okay to her. She's not sure if it works out between them because they are equally shy, but she is glad to have a friend.

Ayenne | Teacher1435666

Ayenne is Momo's teacher at school. Momo doesn't like school that much since there are way too many people there for her tastes. But Ayenne is nice, and knows she has trouble sometimes. Momo appreciates that Ayenne is trying her best to make her comfortable in her class.