
Iseul is a Heartpuff (formerly called Lovepuffs), a closed species created by artist Pikiru.

The name Iseul (이슬) means "dew" in Korean. It suits her well for she likes spending time outside just before dawn and her garden wake up. Her colour palette can be found there in the dew drops that rest on her flowers' petals every sunrise.

Iseul is a very gentle and caring Lovepuff, she is friends with sleepypandie's Lovepuff Cecil (though he would probably deny this when asked). She acts like a big sister to him even though she's the younger one, he'll turn away and pout, but when she's not looking you can be sure of him taking a peek at her flower arrangements, or enjoying the nice, comforting scents that follow her wherever she goes.Something Isuel enjoys doing a lot is brushing and powdering Cecil's tail. He'll pretend to ignore it, but sometimes he emits a soft purr-like sound, or doze off slightly if his attention slips.

She's very loving, and likes taking good care of herself and her friends, mostly in an array of aesthetic ways. Some of her favourite things to use are scented powders and waters (spray). The scents she adores most are those of herbs, like lavender and thyme, and soft smelling, purple flowers she can also decorate her hair with, such as: