


7 years, 1 month ago



Original post


Rivika, Vika for short


favorite song

she loves to waltz, often dancing in her room, in front of her tall mirror.


vika is a little shy, but she doesn't take long to like you most of the time. one she does though she is a kind babu with a heart of gold. she is easily spooked which gets her into trouble sometimes, and being much to curious can sometimes make things worse. she loves to be cuddled though, sometimes nuzzling like a cat if she knows you well enough.

Short story:

rivika sniffed curiously at the large dark opening she had found. it was just here in the grass, almost hidden within the field itself. it looked so dark down there she felt as if something may reach up and grab her from it, but she was a curious bab. as she leaned forward trying to get a better look inside this mysterious pit the ground under her started to give. unable to get her footing again she tumbled down into the hole. closing her eyes as she fell, it felt like minutes before she finally hit the ground.

vika sniffled quietly, she had fallen so far and it was so dark. where even was here anymore? she could just barely catch the light crawling in from the opening she had fallen into. it looked so welcoming yet so far away, it was a wonder she hadn't broken anything. the walls ahead of her were entirely black. no sound or light came from the darkness all around her, it was terrifying down here, especially all alone. a sudden sound from above her gave her chills, sending her running into the dark tunnel until she couldn't even see her own paws in front of her

not long after she had started running she heard another set of steps running behind her! she gave a small eep in fright, trying to escape her pursuer. these tunnels never seamed to end, getting wider now the further she had gone, the ground noticeably rougher. in her panic vika tripped on the new rocky floor, tumbling once again and landing face down in the mud. her pursuer approached her panting as he tried to catch his breath "are you alright?" a deep voice came from behind her. this caught her by surprise, why would a monster ask if she was ok? she took a moment to gather her courage and look back at them. to her surprise, this want any monster at all, in fact it was another babu. she stared at him until he finally tilted his head at her. shaking herself some she got to her paws, wincing as she had to keep one lifted off the ground "im.. im ok" she kept her voice quiet, staying back from the stranger. he came closer and nudged her lifted paw with his snout gently "you don't look alright.." he looked her in the eyes when he said this, something about how he looked at her making her relax "its ok.. it doesn't hurt to much right now". he seamed pleased to hear this, until he remembered "what are you doing down here?!". his yell made her jump a little "oh uh.. i.." she fought to find the right words, unsure what this babusagi meant. "well.. why are you down here? in this somewhere?" she felt disappointed in her words,
why did i say somewhere. "your in my well.. you've been running around in a circle down here like a crazed bab". "well? but that cant be ive been running for miles!" she didn't mean to shout at him, but he wasn't making any seance. he then kicked on a small lantern near the wall, illuminating the area. she had indeed been in the same space like he'd said, there was no tunnel. only a trampled pile of tools. she had been in such a rush she didn't even notice. "oh.. oh im sorry" she felt a bit ashamed now, blushing in embarrassment. the new babu sighed "come on, lets get out of this hole, you can come to my home and we can take care of your leg" with this he headed for the steps out of the well. temporary stairs winding around the walls to the top. she fallowed him quietly out of the well, relieved to be out of the darkness.


her son lukova
her husband
her stepdaughter ariel
stepdaughter cookie

she found lukova when he was new, out by the gotcha all alone. she decided to take him in and they now live together as mother and son.

Breeding?: closed