gyro compass



2 years, 8 months ago


gyro compass

gyro's cutie mark
basic info
name gyro compass
nickname(s) none
gender nonbinary
pronouns he/they
orientation bisexual
species unicorn
occupation royal explorer
residence canterlot
status single
theme [theme]
gyro compass is the son of scitwi and sunset shimmer. a cartographer in training in the human world, gyro is an adventurous explorer and full-time mapmaker in equestria. they grew up in the human world and became fascinated with equestria, and travels between the two often. equestria’s twilight dubbed him the official royal explorer. while it was weird to have a pony version of his mom asking him countless questions about his actual mom, he accepted, and has been helping expand pony’s knowledge ever since.
Mauris posuere, sapien porta auctor vestibulum, nisl libero porttitor mauris, ut venenatis sem eros ut mauris. Sed vehicula vulputate nunc, vitae lacinia quam gravida eu. Nullam lobortis turpis sit amet sem mattis, at sollicitudin ipsum accumsan. Maecenas bibendum consequat ipsum, non dictum metus finibus et. Etiam velit nisl, luctus ut fringilla at, faucibus sed lacus. Nullam mollis vestibulum enim, sed tempor tellus laoreet vel. Phasellus pellentesque, massa vestibulum aliquam pellentesque, lacus mauris elementum lacus, non fermentum arcu sem quis augue. Nullam condimentum nunc nibh, maximus finibus velit varius vitae. Proin tristique, ipsum sed pulvinar tristique, nulla quam aliquam erat, eget pretium erat sem quis nulla. Nam ut tellus elit. Curabitur eu condimentum dui.


  • hiking
  • collecting mapmaking supplies
  • uh third thing


  • daring do
  • uptight nobility
  • being stuck indoors
Pellentesque blandit id diam et vestibulum. Sed vulputate eros id mattis maximus. Sed quis tellus in nisi bibendum imperdiet. Pellentesque consequat purus et nisl egestas, et dignissim ipsum euismod. Etiam erat ipsum, consequat at mollis at, ornare ut felis. Aliquam eget dapibus nibh. Nulla facilisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In scelerisque erat quis venenatis eleifend. Sed efficitur ante consectetur neque aliquam, at consequat nibh commodo. Integer ut dolor quis lectus pulvinar lacinia id sed mi.
  • Suspendisse pharetra lectus ut ipsum pretium, at ullamcorper diam euismod
  • Nullam neque neque, ullamcorper in arcu sed, tempor suscipit magna
  • Vivamus ultrices lacus bibendum, aliquam odio quis, hendrerit erat.
zap apple

close friend

gyro trusts zap with a lot of things that he doesn't trust other ponies with. they're the pony he goes to when he needs to vent, to work out a problem, or just to have a calming presence nearby.

queen twilight


while gyro is twilight's employee, neither treat their relationship as strictly professional. twilight was the one who guided him in learning about equestria when he decided he wanted to stay more often. it took a while to get over the fact that she's a version of his mom that became the literal queen of a country, but now he sees her as an aunt.

art stats


designer me
created aug 27 2021


purchase price $0.00
commissions $0.00
total $0.00


personal +27
commissions +0
art trades +0
gifts +1
total 28


literature +2
animations +0
comics +2
total 4