
2 years, 9 months ago


"Two lovers wander down to the shore

Hand in hand the evening before

The day that their hands will be joined"

Birthday - March 20th, Pisces 


Vera is a very kind hearted and merciful mare, but she is not oblivious to how cruel the world can be. She knows life and death and tends not to get too attached to others she meets because she knows she may never meet them again. She has a very motherly nature, and tends to guide those lost without much thought to it. She’s very loyal and reliable.

64796031_Ei9ra5L80k13JaA.pngA woman of grace and poise, raised to be the best and most qualified candidate to be married off by her father. Vera had teachers; many, many teachers who taught her how to be the perfect wife and the perfect soon-to-be queen. She learned many skills growing up, from table manners to how to walk with purpose, to how to harness her power of life. Vera seemed to be able to control the earth itself beneath her feet. Flowers bloomed as she walked by and many young animals sought out her maternal guidance, and she seemed as though she could birth a flower from nothing but a seedling in the palm of her hand. 

When she married the tall and brooding soon-to-be King Nikolas, the light within her seemed to fade and she had to do nothing but be the perfect wife, just as she was trained to be. Niko started as the young man her teachers told her she'd marry and he cared not one bit about her. She thought she was forever trapped within his hold and she'd never get out. 

Vera soon realized that Niko was more than what he appeared to be. He was who she read about in her romance novels, what she saw when the moon rose and sun set at the same time, her muse when she painted-

Her reason to keep loving.