


6 years, 9 months ago



Name Amadeus
Designer Hauket
Gender Male
ObtainedGift from ATROPHYNN
Significant Other None
Rules Kebanzu rules
Species Kebanzu



  • Masterlist
  • He is not necessarily evil and doesn't bring harm to others intentionally, but does work as an antagonist to certain stories with Dorian.
  • Body Type: Average
    Horn(s): Curl + Curve
    Horn Marking(s): Smooth + Side stripes
    Eyes: Bright + Round pupils
    Mane: Full
    Tail: Lion
    Ears: Tipped + Striped skin patches (old gen) + Tipped
    Fur: Straight
    Injuries [not exchangeable for other UC/R traits]: None
    Extra: None
    - Striped tum skin patch (old gen)
    - Leggings
    - Freckles
    - Leg border
    - Leaves (UC)
    - Stripes

Amadeus is a corrupt geneticist obsessed with discovering the key to  immortality after suffering his entire life with deep rooted fears of death after watching his immediate family succumb to a terrible illness (both of his parents at different points in his life). Being too young to understand not knowing how to cope in his immature state, it instilled a lack of understanding and existential terror that even once he was older drove him to become entirely entangled with his experiments to the point of losing touch with his own reality or the inevitability of his failure.

He's calculated, logical, and above all else relies on fact and numbers to make sense of the world around him, sometimes forgetting to remember his empathy in the process. He isn't heartless, but he's definitely got a confused sense of what is right and believes his experiments and chasing off death for good is more important than anything else to him.

He is methodical, organized, and nitpicky about what he wants and how he wants things done. He is easily frustrated with others and can easily lose his temper if things aren't just to his standards. He tends to be irritable and grouchy and smiles from him are exceedingly rare, as he tends to snap at people who annoy him without much provocation. He doesn't really enjoy optimists, and he lashes out at people that interrupt his work.

  • He is something of a germaphobe 
  • He is terrified of the concept of death and loss

Amadeus lost both of his parents at a young age to separate illnesses, fostering in him an early fear of death and loss that paralyzed him from pursuing his life for a long time. As this fear grew, he dedicated his life to trying to find the possibility of immortal existence and curing "The plague of death", dedicatedly devoting scores of time and energy to studying a multitude of scientific fields in order to pursue the answers to these questions. 

While none of these experiments have led to any actual success, he presses on, determined to free himself of this impossible fear- and be the one to defeat death once and for all. 


  • Research and studying
  • Cleanliness
  • Coffee
  • Lab coats

  • Dirt and germs
  • Broken equipment
  • Things not going his way
  • Illness and disease

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
