Fell's Comments

Hello, I really like Fell design. I can give art for him (I can draw cats, big cats and dragons)(art exemple) and I can also offer characters (here).

Ah Fell! i was looking for them for so long! i’ve missed this guy! Are you only looking for designs for them?

As of right now yes :3

What kind of characters are you looking for? feral? anthro? humanoid?

Either anthro or humanoid!

Okay good to know! I’m super bad with picking out ocs to offer but if you wanted to take a look through all the folders i have, and link any ocs you like??

he's so emo but pretty 

So true

anyone in my th catch your eye (graystar and akuma nfs)


may also check here:


or if youd prefer art here are some examples: https://toyhou.se/idella/art

Sadly I didn’t see anyone I’d use but thanks for the offer! :)