
Name Auberginesky

Age Early Adult

Birthday November 28th

Star Sign Sagittarius

Gender Eclipsian

Pronouns She/They/It




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Species Rain/Sand/Nightwing

Orientation MIN/Durasexual


Minsexual is the exclusive attraction to those who are masculine in nature (MIN). This means minsexual people are attracted to men, masculine aligned and/or presenting non-binary people, and potentially masculine women. Minsexual is not synonymous with the attraction to people who identify as male, it is the attraction to masculinity


Durasexuality is a sexual orientation condition where the individual rarely experiences sexual attraction, but when they do it lasts for a long time

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Occupation Prosthetic Design


  • Cozy furs to keep her warm
  • Romance novels
  • Family time

  • The Ocean
  • Feeling alone
  • Spicy foods

  • Corrosive Poison [Mouth/Stinger]
  • Rainwing Camouflage [Imperfect]
  • Needs very little sleep if she naps under the sun

  • Her tounge is always out unless she's speaking, it makes it easier for them to taste things when her tastebuds aren't covered in corrosive poison.
  • The stars on their face (freckles) and on their wings cannot change color even when they are fully camouflaged
  • AMAB [Assigned Male at Birth]
Anytime someone tells me that I can't do something, I want to do it more.

Auberginesky presents herself as a very outgoing and friendly dragon. They do everything within their power to come off as bubbly and excitable around almost everyone in it's life. She knows how to handle a crowd and may even sacrifice things for the benifit for others. This is just how she presents herself to others, though. This doesn't change how much it cares for the people they interact with, but they just don't feel as comfortable with it's insecurites as it may want you to believe.

They stuggle constantly with their emotions, always trying to restrain itself while also letting through just enough to not make it too obvious. Aubrey is also known to be a bit loud, but this is largely because it doesn't understand social queues and unless someone specifically tells her that they don't appriciate her volume. Auberginesky is also a master at keeping secrets and getting people to talk, seeing as it uses it's ablity to keep people talking to keep said secrets. Hard to ask to many questions when you're talking about yourself!

Komodo Sibling

While the two of them were not raised together, they're thick as theives. Aubrey sometimes can stuggle to get her point across to him, but when they can understand each other they're unstoppable. The two of them work together best when they're working in Komodo's forge.

Haku-Jo Partners

Despite their contrasting personalities, the two of them are incredibly sweet with each other. Auberginesky feels that they can be the most themself around Haku-Jo, and often finds themself waiting for the next time they can spend time with him. Aubery calls him Kujo and Haku-Jo calls them Moonpie.

Auberginesky's relationship with Hadal is just one of those things that Aubrey never talks about. They make occasional comments about Hadal, though without context it's not obvious who they're talking about.

Code by Sealkitty

CSS by Pinky

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