LaToya Palmer $80+ (Howling with Laughter)



My, What Big Teeth You Have

College was supposed to be an end of childish antics, but in truth high school was just the preliminaries. It is the reason why she avoids the ever-persistent club recruiters including the sorority whom are not but trouble feigning prestige. However, travelling the same routes to and from classes every day makes this endeavor in vain as people will continue to ask with her steadily closer to saying ‘yes’ out of weariness. After the annual sports festival finds out she is anonymously registered for a competition and unable to withdraw.

Both due to missing the time window for dropouts and a bit of peer pressure. This is soon revealed to be a facade organized by a few students as an initiation of sorts. The absurd gauntlet concludes favorable with a proffer extended that at first she declined in anger later to hesitantly accept. It seemed like a joke. Werewolves being "real" until shown their inhumane assets proving otherwise to the belief: lycanthropy is just a medical condition. Well, more or less.