
2 years, 9 months ago


Eir Reinardottír 

An immortal læknishondr from the world of Vanaheim, Eir is a strong healer that only recently began trusting herself enough to help people - beforethen she mostly healed horses  


Eir is a creature of a fairy like species called læknishondr, known to be strong healers by touching others and healing their spirits. She herself is 

amongst the strongest of said healers being the twin sister of the leader of the species, Ezra Reinarson. 

When fleeing the destruction of her homeland Eir landed on Earth - mere precisely Iceland - where she started helping out on a center for Icelandic horses. 

Eir is a kind if insecure lady who is known to rather jump-run than walk. It took her a long while trusting herself enough to heal humans and till this day she is still hesitant about it fearing the risks of healing them wrongly. 

Eir is a læknishondr, a closed species by sunny-yang

You are not allowed to create your own without permission 

Birthday: Unknown 

Gender: Cis female

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Romanticism: undefined 


  • Horse whinnies 
  • Humming to herself 
  • The pur of the housecat 
  • Healing 
  • Fall/autumn 
  • Order


  • Scary movies 
  • Getting scared 
  • Being high up in the air 
  • Losing control 
  • Hurting others 
  • Being dirty 


  • Eir was originally an entry for a 'design me a character' contest I hosted where she got 3rd prize 
  • When I asked the designer if I could adopt her anyways she changed name from Ast to Eir 
  • Eir was not originally meant to be a woman - her original design was genderneutral 
  • Originally Eir had ears looking like little kites on the side of her face with runes like her tail 
  • Eir was designed before her brother and the mascot of their species, Ezra 
  • Eir is the name of a Norse godess of Medicine 


"As a healer I need to make sure everything is perfect before I begin - your life is my responsibility."

Eir is a proud healer curing horses as a living. She knows the stories about her kind being able to kill able by their touch if they corrupted so she is very careful always to wash her hands and stay overly clean while healing. Her carefulness turns into minor paranoia at times often fearing that she’s hurt somebody if she accidentally walks into them or slaps them. 

She’s quite jumpy and throws out her limbs in the air if she’s scared so the last part of her accidentally hitting somebody is actually very common. This is also a strong reason why she doesn’t like horror movies. 

Eir is known by the farm she is living on in Iceland as the tölting girl since her walk is almost like small jumps not unlike the walk of the horses that she takes care of. She has a library of different sounds she makes when doing anything: for instance she tends to make chewing sounds while concentrating. 

Eir loves order down to the smallest details and there’s no point in running corners with her: she’s uncompromisable and strict when it comes to plans and structure. She’s very compassionate and a huge hopeless romantic … as long as it is not love aimed at her. 

Eir loves fall finding the colours of the trees to be beautiful. She has a strong connection to the Norse god of fertility Frey. She’s openly committed asa believing - believing in Norse mythology - and often wears a deer skull when preparing her healing rituals.  


  • Healer 
  • Orderly 
  • Compassionate
  • Ase believer
  • Says lots of sounds all the time 
  • Jumping when walking 


  • Jumpy 
  • Overly cleanly 
  • Paranoia towards hurting others
  • Hopeless romantic 
  • Accidentally hitting somebody if getting surprised


  • Hanging out with animals 
  • Healing others 


  • Autumn leaves 
  • Winter soltice celebrations 
  • Sounds of horses chewing 
  • Petting the stablecat 
  • Hot cocoa
  • Romance movies
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


art by MalaMey


  •  Hair Color   Red 

  •  Eye Color   Purple and Gold 

  •  Skin Color   Light tan 

  •  Height   5,2''/158 cm 

  •  Clothing Style   Norse inspired 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Eir is a petite girl with a light tan and strong red, curly hair. Her ears looks like two long feelers down her face and she has two coloured eyes. She has two pair of red and black wings and a reptile tail with fur and life runes - red kite like runes in gold.  Over those she has an orange and red veil. She is wearing a necklace with a bird cranium and a Norse inspired dress, pants and shirt. 

Design Notes

  • Her left eye is purple while her right eye is golden 
  • She has two pairs of wings connected together over her shoulders 
  • She has three braids in her hair on the left side of her face 
  • The rune on her dress is called 'fehu' and represents Frey 
  • The amount of life runes on her tail varies 
  • She has the 'ansuz' rune on the inside of her palm and it will glow golden when she heals 



art by sunny-yang

Ezra: Brother

Eir's twin brother and the leader of the læknishondr. The two was seperated after the destruction of Vanaheim when Eir went underground. Unlike Eir Ezra is more of a fighter and protector than a healer. They respect each other even if they do not see each other much these days. Ezra is owned by sunny-yang


art by Virafiel

Eir is a læknishond which is a closed species that my friend Sunny - the designer of Eir - is currently developing. If you want to learn more about them to better understand Eir's backstory I recommend checking out Laeknishond CS : Journal Summary  Eir and her brother Ezra are known to be some of the oldest, most respected healers of the læknishondr in Vanir. They were known to be divine which is shown by the rune on the palm of their hands, ansuz. While Ezra lived to become dróttin of the species, the warrior guiding the flock through Ragnarock, Eir turned to a more humble path. She grew anxious of the power in her hand letting her insecurities overwhelm her so to try to get away from her responsibilities she ran away and hid in Iceland. She befriended a family of horse farmers, took up a new name as Eir Freyerdóttir - a disguise hinting at her relationship to the vanir - and got a job as a caretaker. 

As time went by Eir grew vary of the fact that she was hiding her identity for the farmers and at the same time she missed her brother and her people. She confessed to be a læknishond, the beautiful elflike creatures and helpers of the now deceased twin gods Frey and Freya. Her hosts did not seem as confused as Eir has believed them to be instead they admitted that they had figured out her nature when she had first arrived. Till this day Eir is still welcome to live amongst the horsefarmers which she often does finding the horses and the people of Iceland to be of great company. At the same time she has reunited with Esra finally able to take on the mantle of healer for more than horses and smaller animals. 

Eir is still weary of her job as a divine healer having to back away from more severe cases of injury in fear of corrupting souls. During the recent pandemic she has started healing humans for the first time which is new to Eir and still very uncomfortable for her. She says that she may need a few more centuries getting to terms with her responsibilities and to learn that her powers won’t hurt anybody as bad as she fears. 

Though Eir has a strong connection to the horses of the farm in Iceland she has no skills as a rider. She is too gentle for the young and strong, and is too light to stay at the back on even the most peaceful horses for long. Instead she loves ruffle and brush them often making small pleasant sounding noises while doing so which makes the horses very calm.

Present Day


art by Dinnartz

During the covid pandemic Eir decided to try taking care and healing people as well as horses. She is still not as competent in this field and will only do it in the utmost emergencies. 

She keeps in touch with Ezra now and then taking days off when important meetings and celebrations are being held within the læknishondr community. 

Otherwise she is still working on the Icelandic horse farm spending most of her days in the stable with the horses and the stablecat. 



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