Zash the Zeti



3 years, 25 days ago



Name Zash the Zeti

Pronouns she/her

Age 162 years

Species Zeti

Height 96cm

Home Lost Hex









  • Annoying people
  • Fighting


  • The Deadly Six
  • People who demand respect without earning it
  • Long-winded explanations


A carefree Zeti from Lost Hex


Zash enjoys nothing more than messing with others to annoy them. Most people are an open book to her so she knows exactly when her words and actions hit people's anger points. Due to this, however, she is also quick to realize when people try the same with her. She knows when people try to annoy her and refuses to give them the satisfaction of getting the reaction they're looking for. It is exceptionally hard to make her genuinely, outwardly angry.
It is, however, exceptionally easy to startle her.
Zash is a rebellious spirit at heart. In her mind, respect is earned, not given. She's not going to treat someone highly "just because". There are few people who have earned her respect. If someone acts like they deserve respect, without having earned it, she will be disrespectful to them on purpose.
Zash is a very active person that's always on the move. She doesn't like being tied down in a place or to one person. She is quick on her feet and even quicker with her tongue, always waiting with a witty comeback to any insult slung her way.
Zash is a cheerful person that can laugh at almost any humour and even jokes at her own expense, as she doesn't take things to seriously. Her carefree and nonchalant nature mean she doesn't typically care what others think of her, making it extra hard to aggrevate her.
She likes to be in charge of herself and her own life, preferring independence over being told what to do. It is more in her nature to act spontaneously than to extensively make plans ahead of time.
Her active and fast-paced nature also make her incredibly impatient. She isn't the type of person who can sit around dwiddling her thumbs or listen to long-winded explanations.
While she is confident, she knows her limits and weaknesses. After all, she was still raised with the typical Zeti pride, but managed to not let it get to her head and evolve into arrogance.
While Zash likes fighting, she doesn't like getting hurt. She doesn't start fights she isn't sure she can win without injury. Otherwise she is willing to take risks for the fun and adrenaline boost.

Powers & Abilities

Zash's talents lie less in physical power and durability but more in speed, flexibility and acrobatics.
She is among the fastest of the Zeti. While she has yet to meet Sonic, her top speed, which she can hold for several minutes, matches his.
In addition to her speed, Zash is also incredibly agile and has quick reflexes. This allows her to almost instantaneously change directions and not be taken by suprise by any sudden obstacles in her path, even at her top speed.
Furthermore, Zash possesses remarkable jumping abilities, which allow her to leap high into the air and across very large distances in an instant. Aside from clearing large stretches, vertically or horizontally, her jumps are also extremely precise.
Additionally, Zash is flexible to a stunning degree, able to wring herself out of any grip, no matter how tight, and fit through the narrowest gaps, on the condition that her head can fit through.
As a Zeti, Zash also possesses the innate ability to manipulate magnetic fields, which enables her to control electronics. This allows her to take control of robots and other kinds of machinery.



  • A
  • B
  • C



Zavok the Zeti

While Zavok holds the title of the "strongest warrior of the Zeti", he has still yet to definitively defeat Zash in a fight. The reason for that is not that Zash is the stronger of the two but simply that Zavok isn't able to land a hit on her due to her speed.
While Zavok is eager to finally settle the score between them, Zash shoots down any attempt to engage in combat, mostly by running away or forfeiting. Zash is acutely aware she isn't capable of overpowering or outlasting him. Her avoiding a "final battle" with Zavok is partially because she hates getting hurt and partially because she knows how much it annoys him that he's only "the strongest" by technicality of her forfeiting.
Zash finds it amusing to annoy Zavok, especially since she succeeds in making him see red every time. It's almost like a game to her how long and how many words it takes to get him angry.

Despite loathing Zash's attitude, Zavok respects her abilities enough to have offered her a place in the Deadly Six a couple of times. An offer Zash has rejected almost immidiately everytime because she doesn't want to join his "gang of weirdos".
Zash insists that many other Zeti share her opinion on the Deadly Six, which Zavok doubts.


Master Zik

Zash has, point blank, no respect for him and actively looks for ways to disrespect him every time they meet. Since she thinks the Deadly Six are a gang of weirdos and he founded them, Master Zik is the "weirdo boss" in her eyes.
She pointedly refuses to call him "Master Zik" or even just by his name and exclusively refers to him as "old man"


Zeena the Zeti

Zash's relationship with Zeena is perhaps the least hostile among the members of the Deadly Six. However, that doesn't mean they get along swimmingly. Their personalities are almost diametrically oppposed, which simultaneously makes them clash as well as complement each other.
Zash is not fond of Zeena's makeup, though. She saw Zeena use an eyelash curler once and has since then referred to her makeup as "torture devices". Zash will straight up bolt when Zeena as much as suggests putting makeup on her.


Zomom the Zeti

Zash has stolen his food one too many times, so Zomom is instantly suspicious of Zash whenever she is around and has attacked her on sight multiple times. Though, due to Zash's evasive abilities, he was never able to harm a hair on her head.


Zazz the Zeti

While Zazz is just as easy to goad into a blind rage as Zavok, Zash finds toying with Zazz much less entertaining. This is partially because she can, and has, beaten him in fights before and without that risk of defeat, it just isn't as fun to mess with him as it is messing with Zavok.


Zor the Zeti

Zash often forgets Zor exists and even on the occasions she does remember his presence, she doesn't pay him much mind. Much to her chagrin, Zor appears to enjoy being treated this way.