


8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Isabella "Bella" Wakeman

Hero's Alias

Sylvestra, The Enchantress


October 28th






Chaotic Neutral w/Goodness


Vampiric Witch - Witchmade Species - Immortal

Main Power

Lightning Manifestation & Manipulation, Storm Manifestation


Tremorton, USA


Garlic - Extreme Sunlight - Crosses - Holy Water - Fire




Flight ◊ Her Inherited Book of Shadows ◊ Magical History ◊ Just .. anything magic, really. She's a -nerd- for it and is super proud of her heritage ◊ Fantasy ◊ Reading ◊ Emotional Silly Cartoons ◊ D&D ◊ Crystals ◊ Felines ◊ Meditation ◊ Alone Time ◊ Rainy Weather ◊ Candlewax ◊ Playing with Fire - Literally ◊ Playing with LIGHTNING ◊ Spooky Podcasts ◊ Ghost Stories ◊ Halloween Movies ◊ Just .. Halloween. All of Halloween. She actively counts down to Halloween on a calendar.


Summer ♦ Frog Legs ♦ Fermented Shark ♦ Wasps ♦ Vampire / Witch Hunters ♦ Garlic Bread ♦ Wet Coffee Grounds




 Imaginative ◊ Curious ◊ Analytical ◊ Crouching Badass Hidden Goof ◊ Bookworm
Grouchy ♦ Sarcastic ♦ Stubborn ♦ Self-Sacrificial
Warm-hearted ☼ Protective ☼ Sharply Intuitive

gentle note: 

Bella has a constant glamour in public. Your muse, unless able to see through magic, cannot see how long & pointed her ears are, or the long fangs in her mouth.

Isabella ("Bella" to loved ones), your grumpy teenage hero with an obsessive fascination for witchcraft and toiling with the arcana. She's practically one with her inherited Book of Shadows, and she'll likely chew your head off if you lay one unsolicited finger on her cauldron.

But when she isn't absolutely throwing herself into the thralls of magic studies, which is on the brink of always (she *loves* magic, ok. loves it. fascinated and absorbed in it.), Bella does treat herself occasionally to video games -games like The Cat Lady (absolute favorite) to Undertale (second favorite) to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. She also very much enjoys D&D! She'll happily be the DM or a player, it's a blast either way and she gets to stretch her imagination and practice her illusion magic, not to mention come up with fun plots and story/character arcs. Seriously, she's happy either way and happy to work with you.

Another thing about Bella is that she finds herself more comfortable in the presence of the supernatural than humanity, having witnessed & heard too much negativity first hand from humankind to be comfortable in a full human space. This hasn't stopped her from befriending a handful of humans though, so although she may be wary, she knows better. This discomfort excludes Human Witches all together, though! There is some unspoken comfort she feels around you, perhaps too trusting and too eager to befriend as she's lacking a witch community in her city. This could lead to an unfortunate downfall on her part.

Taking a step from how she is on on the regular, let's dive into a secret persona of hers: Bella's a hero, you know, the hero that flies around with a cloak and superpowers? That kind. She's known as "Sylvestra", a character taken from a local comic book hero whom Bella glamours herself after for heroic endeavors and concealing of identity. The character "Sylvestra" is a tall and raven-haired female sorceress with the power to shapeshift into a fox. Besides being an expert in direct face-to-face combat, her powers center around flight, illusions, hypnosis, shadow manipulation, and energy projectiles.

Bella, on the other hand, centers her combat powers around: Lightning Manifestation & Manipulation, Super Strength (vampirism), Telekinesis, Crystal Barriers, Shape-shifting and Physical Combat. She does own the power to regenerate but rarely does it assist her in combat.

To keep up the ruse as Sylvestra, Bella's had her mother construct flight anklets since the poor thing can't fly about without her broom right now, and she uses illusions when possible - but that takes a lot of focus and can only be truly used when in stealth mode. Due to her taking up the disguise as Sylvestra, the comic artist has gone and added the same powers to the official Sylvestra. Bella thought that was pretty dang cool.

But back on topic, in terms of weaknesses and true to her true heritage and not a comic character's, Bella is vulnerable to extreme sunlight, fire, holy water, crucifixes and needing an invitation to abode entry. Glamour doesn't get rid of those lovely little flaws, so desert combat can prove to be a losing game and needs great assistance and a lot of potion work.

The reason Bella throws herself into the arms of combat so much, why she risks her life every day is no more different than many heroes: Someone has to put a barrier between evil and innocence. B grew up with shoddy, egotistical law enforcement and villainous attacks on Tremorton that'd level the city. That does things to a kid, and it makes that kid protective for the rest when she grows up and realizes she has the power to put a stop to it, or to at least even the odds. Why on Earth would she stand by and watch the world burn? That's not like her at all. Humanity may be cruel, but it doesn't deserve to perish for the deeds of others in the race, and its younger generation doesn't deserve such a terrifying reality.

Even if the day comes to where she is demasked, she will continue fighting one way or another. Just like her mother.

Bella takes place in a heavy AU Spin-Off of MLAATR, focused on both Her & The Wakeman Homelife where she is the biological daughter of Dr. Nora Wakeman and, technically, the big sister of Jenny (although she is not happy about it). The bonds that be between the two are tense and dramatic due to Bella's inability to accept Jenny's role in both household and as Town Hero. In sibling logic, you could say it's a case of "I was here first." 

As a Spin-Off, the AU's been named "Bella's Circle" for her side of things.

 Hobbies: Meditation - Studying her Book of Shadows - D&D (enjoys being both DM & Player)

Has a sweet magical bedroom that was made as a gift from her grandmothers:
It emulates reality and shifts to whatever Bella desires! 


  • Favorite video games are The Cat Lady (absolutely favorite), Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, UNDERTALE & The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion & Skyrim
  • Enjoys pizza with extra cheese, mushrooms and drizzled with blood.
  • Don't break that crystal or there will be an apocalypse of crystallization.
  • Black Cadillacs make her heart swoon.
  • Favorite movie is ParaNorman
  • Despite her mother's scoldings to not become too reliant on magic, Bella .. finds herself reliant on magic. She'd be lost without it. Whoops!
  • With her weakness to fire you better believe she learned how to control that shit.
  • Immortal she may be, immune to death she is not. Death, however, is temporary! Her crystal slowly regenerates her body after encapsulation within a massive crystal. Mental scars are, however, not affected. Good luck with that one, B.