


2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Calliope (JUST Calliope)
Alias: Calli, "The Great Evil"

Real Name: Calliope Lovell (NEVER CALL HER by her last name)

Current Age: Thousands of years old.
Age of Death: She can never die.
Gender: Female.
Ethical Origin: Unknown.
Place of Origin: Dale Lovell's lab.
Species:  Not even Calliope or her brother knows what her species exactly is. However she is a eldritch being of some description. 

Personality: Calliope watches all. As a omnipresent being, she is feared by a variety of peoples for her crimes against them.

Birthdate: She's not sure.


Astrological Sign: All of them

Birthplace: Where were they born?
Blood Type: 

Sexual Preference:  Asexual and Panromantic 

Relationship:  Are they single or taken by a person?

Cause of Death: If they are dead- How did they die and what caused it?

Alignment: Who are they usually on side with if they are on a specific person's side?

Affiliation: Who are they associated with?
Occupation:  What do they work as?
Figure: How do you describe their body type/features? (Tall, Athletic, Bulky, Muscular...etc)
Skin Tone: 
Left/ Right handed Ambidextrous  
Place/Type of Residence: Where do they live now?
Languages Spoken: What languages do they speak and how fluently they speak the languages?
Favorite color: 

Fears: What are they afraid of?

Interests: What do they like to do or enjoy doing?

Good, Neutral or Bad?: 

Distinguishing Features: What features on their body or face distinguish them from any other characters?

Official Backstory: Do they have an official story?

Official Theme Songs: Ruler of Everything (Shared with Cacus) (Mashup version), Abbey 

Special items: 

  • Do they have any items they carry around that have importance to the character?

Weapons: Do they have or carry any weapons?


  • What are the skills that can give them an upper hand in situations?

Magic/Special Abilities:

  • Do they have any special powers or abilities that they use to their advantage?

How They kills/wounds in Combats:

  • How do they fight and/or kill in a combat situation?


  • What abilities do they have or skills that help them during a fight or bad situation or in general?


  • What are they weakest to or cause them to break emotionally or psychically in a fight or bad situation?


  • Childhood: Calliope, like most babies, was born into this world screaming. She came out first, her brother appearing a few moments later. Of course, being newborns, they didn't know any better. They were as innocent as one could get. They didn't know that their father would slit their mother's throat. They didn't know that they would be injected with a mixture of random things. They didn't know that they'd mutate from regular humans into what they are now. Did they have a childhood? No. They didn't. They were turned into mindless murder machines.
  • Adolescence: For thousands of years they plagued the multiverse. They were impossibly strong and could do all sorts of damage to the world.
  • Adulthood: They grew into adults, but they were mentally just children acting out against the world. Yet, slowly but surely, they gained a personality. Calliope was the smarter one out of the two. They also chose their current forms during that time. By than they were thousands of years old, and very much feared. Still, they were still a threat, and loved chaos. They knew them as Calliope and Cacus, monsters who would destroy budding empires over night. 
  • However, eventually destroying planets and killing everyone became boring. So they went to do something else. They went into a random dimension and bothered a random kid for a while. Every time something tragic happened to him, they'd pop up like misty specters and make fun of him. However, their fun would end when the angered boy grew up to be a man. On a battle field his side was losing. Calliope appeared to make fun of him, when BANG! He shot her. She teleported herself away, only to realize that she was experiencing pain. She screamed loudly as the bullethole continued to hurt for years later.
  • Eventually Calliope found out about her origins. She was furious. Maybe a part of her wanted to be a innocent. Maybe not. Either way, she and Cacus finally found the source of the scourge. Surely he was at fault, and not them, right? They hacked his computer and found his files. They realized that they just helped him. They didn't do this because it was fun, but instead he wanted to cause destruction.. This caused them to realize that they were merely tools. So, in spite, they vowed to become good. They broke into their father's lab and made sure his death was slow and painful. Than they burned his corpse. Shortly afterwords they went around, smashing everything. At least until they heard a small voice call out. There was a small girl, much smaller than the two lizard-like shapeshifters. She seemed scared. Cacus jokingly said that they should eat her. Calliope on the other hand, felt something that she had never felt towards anyone other than her brother. Familial love. She told Cacus to leave the little girl alone. They'd take her home. She picked the girl up by the shirt like a momma cat would her kits. She than traced where she lived, and dropped her off. At first she wanted to keep her distance. They however realized that she was one of the most powerful experiments that their father made. His last hurrah if you will. So, they decided to teach her. 


  • Parents: Her mother's name is unknown. Her Father however is Dale Lovell. He's dead. 
  • Children: (Any offspring?)
  • Relatives: Cacus (Biological Twin), Chloe (Adopted)
  • Partner: (Do they have a girlfriend/boyfriend; husband/wife? Or are they single?)
  • Familiar: (Do they have a guardian spirit or animal used for assistance?)
  • Mentors: (Any people they looked up for advice or teachings?)
  • Friends: (Any close friends?)
  • Allies: (Who will they help or be helped by?)
  • Rivals: (Who do they rival with or don't see eye to eye with?)
  • Enemies: (Who they hate or consider to be an enemy?)


  • She keeps picking Chloe up by her shirt, even though she's a adult.

Pets: Do they have any pets?


  • What are their most memorable sayings?


  •  Any other misc. information about the character that we need to know?