Toudou Megumi (東堂恵み)



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Toudou Megumi





Stage Name

아리스 (Aries)


Main Vocal


【 Name 】 Toudou Megumi
【 Age 】 19
【 Gender 】 Female

【 Alias 】 아리스 (Aries)
【 Position 】 Lead Vocal
【 Ethnicity 】 Japanese
【Height】 173 cm
【Skin tone】 Fair
【Hair Color】 Black

【Build】 A bit muscular
【Eye color】 Dark brown
【Style】 Girly & K-street
【 Likes 】
  • Cute things
  • Idols
  • Dancing
【 Dislikes 】
  • Bugs
  • Disruptive rumors
  • Failing

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Basically judges everyone to be inferior to her but hides that fact with a kind nature. She's generally kind to everyone but she really thinks that they're doing something stupid. She also tends to hide her romantic feelings for anyone because "Idols are not supposed to fall in love!" 

Coming from a sports bg, she is very determined and tenacious, she doesnt let anything stop her from getting her goals.


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She is the daughter of the owner of Japan's largest department store chains. But don't let that fool you, her mother was of lower middle-class upbringing and she brought up her children in the same way she was. Megu was raised to be frugal and sensible. She was only allowed a small amount for pocket money and she saved up and bought all the things she wanted. Sure, her father would spoil her from time to time but her mother really won't allow anything more than that.

Mention complex about her brother, going to  business school and quitting all the things to become an idol. Jackson stan #1

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