Buck Maisley



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Buck Maisley

Gender: Male

Relationship: In one with Divine and Morgan

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human

Age: Appears mid thirties, has been around since the 1900s

Birthday: October 20th

Entity He Serves: The Buried

Personality: Is quiet but seems to have a sense of humor only him and those close to him understand. Being around him brings the feeling of being pressured and the longer a normal person is around him, the more people feel like they have to say anything to lessen the uncomfortable air. Buck likes to be around people this way. Buck isn't interested in bringing the Buried to life and likes the world as it is and his job as a train engineer. Truth be told, he used to like to be a solo act before he met Divine, now he hardly remembers liking being alone at all. Buck likes hard work but he hates how it gets taken advantage of, which is why he likes his work on the Nowhere. He knows his partners appreciate his hard work.

Story: Buck loved architecture as a child. He wanted to build homes in the likes of those like Smirke, and in his research of Smirke, came across information about the fears. The idea of powers beyond what we know terrified him and set to keep himself away from all of it. He abandoned the architecture direction of his career and went into the physical labor of building homes by hand, finding more joy in the process of building a building than in designing it and seeing that creation come to life. During one contracting job, Buck was placed under a boss who wanted a new boss who wanted buildings put up as quickly as possible, ignoring regulations and just focusing on getting new buildings up as quick as possible. Buck was enraged with the unsafe conditions he was forced in and tried to do what was supposed to be don't, but that didn't stop the building from collapsing on him. He was stuck under a pile of concrete and rubble, with no sunlight and only the sounds of his dying co-workers kept him company. He was terrified, slowly suffocating under a pile of rubble, but mostly he was angry, hatred for the boss that put his current suffering coursing through him, calling to something that resided deeper than the mountain of rock that held him down now. Days later, that boss was found dead, suffocated, and Bucks body was the only one never recovered from the wreckage. Buck ended up meeting Divine some time later and they became partners, collaborating on many experiements with the Buried and the Dark, and then they ended up falling in love. They got a train and ended up travelling town to town, later meeting and falling in love with a Stranger avatar named Morgan Hill. The three of them ran a collaborative fear operation on a train called Nowhere. In the Change, Buck had a domain of unsteady buildings with obvious damage, ready to fall, and his victims desperate to repair them before they fell, and not succeeding. Buck was found shortly after the Change was stopped and was killed by an angry mob.