


6 years, 10 months ago


Artwork to Klub: ODETTE IS IN THE KLUB!!

Artwork to Crystal Form: /40


Name: Odette

Age: 84

Height: 4'3"

Occupation: Volunteers at an animal rescue shelter.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Single

Likes: gothic fashion, gothic lolita fashion, make-up tutorials, Netflix, animals, soft cookies with tea, chocolate caramel ice cream, fuzzy blankets

Dislikes: more than 2 people around her, small talk, having to explain herself or talk at length, olives and onions, anything wool or leather

Personality: Odette is a quiet girl of few words. It isn't so much that she's shy, rather she's just cynical and prefers the company of animals over people. She tends to watch and observe from the walls and corners of places, only really talking when she's forced to. She finds the drama of others exhausting and annoying and will happily avoid all large gatherings in favour of staying home with her ferrets, chinchillas and cats instead. 

The few friends she does have though can always count on her when it counts, even if she doesn't go out when invited 95% of the time. If there is a real need, she will be there to lend a hand in whatever capacity she is able. However, emotional confrontations make her awkward and uneasy because she typically doesn't know how to respond to other's emotional outbursts. 



Relationships (feel free to note me about any! )