
2 years, 9 months ago



The in game avatar for the simple salaryman, Tatsuo Matsuda. In the game, Yggdrasil Online, Gin is a Rogue, monkey Demi-Kin, who is reliable member the Outsiders who has connections to the shadier sides of Yggdrasil Online due to his former involvement with the Black Street Syndicate guild, a group of individuals who have operations that would be classified as illegal. Tatsuo's reason for originally joining Yggdrasil Online was simply as a means to escape the day to day grind, but he would shortly find himself involved in criminal activities that he could profit from. Eventually, as Gin, he would find himself being used as a scapegoat in case revolving around illegal trafficking that put himself in serious danger. With Ryoma's help however, Gin was able to put an end to the illegal activity and as a sign of his gratitude, Gin joined Ryoma's guild, building a sub-pact in the process.   


While online, Tatsuo has the ability to become a far more confident version of himself as Gin. More often than not, as Gin, he is likely to openly speak his mind and try and use his sense of humor to alleviate tensions in stressful situations while also being one to provide sufficient advice due to him being one of the older members.  

If you ask his guild mates, there is an overwhelming belief that he is reliable and extremely capable of succeeding in fields where he is an expert in, such as social networking and profit management. Due to this, Gin has become one of the most reliable individuals when it comes to finding someone to get a job done effectively.

In combat, Gin relies on his wits to out maneuver his opponents and place himself in a the best situation to take advantage of his enemies' weakness. He also well aware that he isn't the most durable and as such will relly on hit and run tactics and as well as those that slowly wear down his opposition. 


Main Hand: Dark Brotherhood's Blessed Blade-Dagger Power:200, DPS:250, Attack Range:1 Foot, Attack Speed:2.0 Enchantment: Keen Edge (Increases critical hit chance by 20% when contact is made) Set piece

Off Hand: Dark Brotherhood's Cursed Blade-Dagger Power:200, DPS:250, Attack Range:1 Foot, Attack Speed:2.0 Enchantment: Malefic Edge (20% chance to apply a random status ailment when contact is made) Set piece

Helm: True Enigma Helm-Leather Armor:25 Enchantment: Mental Guard (Reduces the chances of mental ailments by 50%) (Invisible option applied) Set piece

Shoulder: True Enigma Pauldrons-Leather Armor:15 Enchantment: Opportunistic Striking (Increase critical hit chance by 10% when attacking from behind) (Invisible option applied) Set piece

Torso: True Enigma Vest-Leather Armor:65 Enchantment: Physical Guard (Reduces the chances of physical ailments by 50%) Set piece

Arms: True Enigma Bracers-Leather Armor:25 Enchantment: Double Down (Basic attacks have a 20% chance of striking an additional time with each hit) (Invisible option applied) Set piece

Hands: True Enigma Gloves-Leather Armor:10 Enchantment: Solid Striking (Attacks that make direct contact have a 30% chance to break enemy guard) Set piece

Legs: True Enigma Leggings-Leather Armor:25 Enchantment: Firm Stance (Reduces chances of being knocked back by 50%) Set piece

Feet: True Enigma Boots-Leather Armor:10 Enchantment: Safe Travels (Prevents negative effects from terrain) (Invisible option applied) Set piece

Neck: Amulet Of Serendipity-Necklace Enchantment: Treasure Magnet (Increases the chances of rare spoils found off of enemies) 

Back: Cape Of The Enlightened-Mantle Enchantment: Mana Sap (Regenerate 2% of maximum MP whenever damage is dealt) 

Waist: Belt Of Vigor-Belt Enchantment: Super Energy (SP gained from attacks is increased by 50%) 

Right Ear: Hoop Of The Swift-Hoop Enchantment: Sonic Momentum (Increases movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 10%)

Left Ear: Hoop Of The Nimble-Hoop Enchantment: Hyper Reflex (Increase evasion rate by 20%) Set piece

Right Finger: Band Of The Collector-Band Enchantment: Pack Mule (Increases the number of items that can be carried by 200)

Left Finger: Band Of The Resourceful-Band Enchantment: Quick Thinking (Cast time of skills are reduced by 5 seconds whenever they are interrupted)

Relic: Dark Brotherhood's Idol-Figurine Enchantment: Total Concealment (Become undetectable by enemies within a 10 foot radius)Set piece

Attire: Garb of Intrigue

Dark Brother Hood Set Bonus: 3 Piece-Increase Attack Speed by 1.

True Enigma Set Bonus: 2+ Pieces-Increase chance to stagger by 20%.

                                   4+ Pieces-Increase evasion rate by 30%

                                   6+ Pieces-Increase HP Regeneration by 10% 

Familiar: None

Bound Active Skills

Backstab: Effect-Drives the tip of the blade into the enemy's weak spot, dealing physical damage and adds a stack of bleeding if attacking from behind. Bleeding reduces the target's maximum HP by 3% per stack. The target is killed if their maximum HP is less than their current HP. Cost:20 SP, Cool Down:4 Seconds, Cast Time: N/A

Dart and Weave: Effect-Slice apart all enemies within a radius of 4 feet, hitting a number of times equal to attack per second x2 and dealing physical damage. Cost:30 SP,  Cool Down: 8 Seconds, Cast Time: N/A

Heel Clip: Effect-Strike the ligament in the feet of the target to deal physical damage and reduce their movement speed by 10% for 20 seconds. This skill fails if the target has no foot type body parts Cost:30 SP, Cool Down:7 Seconds, Cast Time: N/A

Flying Fang: Effect-Throw a dagger at a enemy within range of 15 feet, physical damage.  Cost:30 SP, Cool Down:4 Seconds, Cast Time: N/A

Stealth: Effect-Become invisible, preventing enemies ability to detect. If an offensive action is performed while this skill is active, this skill becomes negated. This skill cannot be used in combat. Cost: 10 MP, Cool Down: 5 Seconds Cast Time: N/A

Steal: Effect-Attempt to pilfer goods from an enemy or NPC. This skill's success rate is increased by 10% if performed from behind and increased by an additional 30% if used while stealth is active. This skill cannot be used in combat. Cost: 10 SP, Cool Down: 5 Seconds Cast Time: N/A 

Double Team: Effect-Forms up to 4 identical duplicates that move around, dodging and attacking nearby enemies for 30 seconds. Cost:40 MP, Cool Down: 45 Seconds Cast Time: N/A

Vault: Effect-Quickly avoid being attacked and increase movement speed by 10% for the next 10 seconds. Cost: 30 SP, Cool Down: 15 Seconds Cast Time: N/A

Familiar Skills


Passive Skills

Yggdrasil's Blessings: Effect-Regenerate 1% of HP, SP and MP per second while not in combat. 

Second Wind: Effect-2% chance to survive a fatal blow.

Trained Fingers: Effect-Allows for chests or doors to be opened and traps to be removed without the need of tools; rogue only.

Scrap: Effect-Deals an additional 20% damage to mechanical enemies.

Drain Touch: Effect-Skills that make direct contact with an enemy drains 2% of their HP.

Light Lifting: Effect-Increase damage by 30% and attack speed by 10% while wielding a 1H weapon.

Ambidextrous: Effect-Increase damage by 30% and attack speed by 10% while wielding two weapons of the same type.

Dagger Mastery: Effect-Reduces the stat requirements to wield daggers by 20%.

Leather Mastery: Effect-Reduces the stat requirements to wear leather by 20%.

Apothecary: Effect-Allows the ability to create and use potions, elixirs, poisons, etc.

Racial Skills

Primal Genetics: Effect-Limits bound skills to 8 but increases all stats by 20%.

Monkey Nimbleness: Effect-Uses Dexterity instead of Agility for calculating evasion rate.

EX Skills

Sub Pact (Gin): Effect-Increase attack speed and movement speed by 20% and double the chances of applying status ailments while Ryoma's System Link is active.