Basic Info


Desiree Rivers


Goat dog hybrid


They/she/he. You don’t have to alternate mid sentence they just like being called anything and presenting in a gender neutral way. You can call them whatever pronoun you want.


13 and a half. They will always make a point to tell you their exact age.


Proud paper delivery boy. Desiree delivers newspapers to the town. Desiree rides her bike everywhere


Desiree dresses very androgynous. Many people often ask what their gender is or will just draw a blank. Their answer is they don’t know and don’t care they’ll go by anything. Desiree presents as a little boy usually but likes her hair long and has a feminine name. They don’t care how they look they’re very carefree.


The future and growing up. Desiree just wants to be a kid and do goofy childish things. He wishes he could spend all eternity playing with toys in the mud and just doing little kid things. They love their job as a paper delivery boy because they get to ride their bike through the town and see people while still preparing for the future and getting money.