[PC] Lyzette



2 years, 9 months ago


Lyzatte Rhoan

Relationships Gallery
  • Nickname Liz
  • Specie Spiritomb/Banette
  • Gender Male
  • Age 30
  • Height 5'11"
  • Weight 130 lbs
  • Birthday October 25
  • Eye Color Green (Red Sclera)
  • Hair Color Purple


  • Plushies/Dolls
  • Illusions
  • His Family
  • Working
  • Video Games


  • Talking
  • Bullies
  • Candies
  • Isolation
  • Summer

Inventory (0/5)

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Occupation: Dollmaker

With some experience as a fashion designer, he has his own brand of product wherein he takes personal orders, rather than mass producing it, and makes sure that no design is same from the previous ones.

Usually works from Wednesday to Saturday for the whole day, despite not receiving any orders.

Occupation: Puppeteer

More of a part time job that started thanks to Elijah.

Lyzette actually sucks with making stories that he has the rest of the family members make the script for him that he has to memorize. Can voice act quite well for the job, making sure that he's in character from the descriptions given to him.


+ Patient: It comes with the job, as well as the chaotic household. Lyzette doesn't mind waiting for his siblings whenever something comes up, and he's not one to rush his works.

+ Honest: Not really one to completely lie when asked. He's the most trusted member of the household.

+ Organized: Makes sure everything is in order, as well as sorted out.

= Impassive: Calm and collected for most of the time, Lyzette appears expressionless and unresponsive in front of others

- Introvert: Has a hard time communicating with someone outside of the family. He'll still reply if others approach or converses with him though.

- Tactless: Since he rarely has a conversation, he can't tell whenever he makes sensitive remarks, nor can he read the mood of his surroundings.

- Aloof: Tends to only show neutral expression despite any situation that he may appear unfriendly to some


The oldest brother of the Rhoan family, and the only one that wasn't adopted. Lyzette didn't have a lot pleasant memories during majority of his childhood, as he experiences bullying from his classmates due to his odd interests, as well as being considered an outcast by the extended family due to his weak personality.

His parents love him, although they realized quite too late that their son isn't having a good experience outside the household. The bullying situation was something they had the hardest time resolving, as even if he switches school, he'll simply gain new tormentors or no students approaches him due to his unnerving aura. For the family, well... it was quite easy to get mad on their relatives for even doing that to a child they changed last names so that they wouldn't be associated with them anymore.

Lyzette's life took a better turn only when he's around 10, starting with gaining new neighbors that has a child of the same age as him. Quiet he was for most of the time but it would seemed that he had gained the interest of the girl living next to them, chatting for the two of them and is the one to throw questions to know him better. It was a new experience for Lyzette, and he believes that she's kinder than all children he had met combined. Meanwhile, the girl likes his company even if the boy only says handful of words every meeting.

After that, school became more tolerable with the girl who easily chases away the bullies that dares to come near him. Although he was now perceived to be weak due to having a girl to protect him, he didn't mind. It was a mild insult compared to what he had heard before, and besides, not like it took long for him to hear those words since the girl easily comes in rushing to save the day. (In few years, he learns that the girl had a crush on him at first sight that led to her acting like that. It didn't take very long for him to reciprocate her feelings that they started dating during their high school years).

Other than the girl living next-door, few more individuals became a major part of his life that soon became his family. It started as a simple lending of hand from his parents once he pointed out a boy who looked to be lost, a child that obviously looked younger than him, in tattered clothes with a thin figure, followed by another one, this time who looks closer of his age, that ran away from an abusive home where he had no allies. Lyzette never really understood his parents' thought process of deciding to take all these children under their wing, but he didn't really complained since thay all come to love and cherish one another, and it was fun having some younger siblings and taking the role of a strict and quiet brother every time they played. He was the oldest and the only one who wasn't adopted, that he felt a strong resposnsiblity in the family as they grew bigger.

Especially when his parents passed away.

It was quite a tragedy for them, losing two significant adult figures of their life almost at the same time when Lyzette had just finished college, and he had no choice but to become the head and backbone of the family. His work was supposed to be more of a hobby, but with the number of siblings he needed to support, he has to work overtime and take things too seriously than he should. He wasn't able to handle much household affairs for being away for most of the time that he didn't realize how things have gone too intense at home. But with the addition of the last, and their youngest brother, things finally calmed down. Unfortunately, it also meant more work Lyzette as that's another person they need to take care of, and he already feels bad for Emmet to not pursue college to help him out.

Lyzette was a quiet workaholic that doesn't interact much with his co-workers. When he's invited out for lunch or for some drinks, he tends to decline, either using the time to work on more projects or simply go home to spend more time with his family. It soon led to him being viewed in a bad spotlight, or one that can be easily manipulated. His life became more hectic with time because of this, having a job that is physically and mentally exhausting, and working with some childhood bullies that hadn't changed their ways who seems to have fun tormenting him at work. When he can't handle it anymore, he took a temporary leave from work and locked himself up in his room for some peace of mind.

With the accumulated stress and his energy being drained, he started to reconsider his life choices and had thought of having some of his siblings be put up for adoption so that they would have a better life with a family that can take care of them better, and one who would be seen normal in the society as their family has been dubbed as some oddballs at their place. It was the worst thing for Lyzette to think about, that few days of rest was enought for him to realize that he's quite foolish (there was no way he would entrust his brothers and sisters to someone he doesn't know after all they had been through). Asking help from the people he trusted the most, it was Emmet who suggested that maybe they should move out to another region, get a fresh new start for all of them and give Lyzette a break.



Typing:Ghost | Dark

Ability: ---

Battle Stats:

  • HP: ---
  • Atk: ---
  • Def: ---
  • Sp. Atk: ---
  • Sp. Def: ---
  • Spd: ----
  • Total: 309 + 40

Moveset: --- | --- | --- | ----

  • Can do ventriloquism. He sometimes does it during work.
  • Always carries a face mask with him, though he wears it randomly when outside.
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