[ SK ] Avani



2 years, 9 months ago


forgot about my last old character whoops
subject to change as I actually finish the series
  • Patch tribe
  • originally she was supposed to be an officiant but they are MEGA INSISTENT that there are only 10 so now she's just a rando tribe member
  • actually left the tribe for (reasons) in the mid-90s to become a pop idol
  • her and Silva were close (???) before she left -- possibly in a relationship, possibly friends, haven't 100% decided yet
  • after Chrom dies, Silva goes back to America to ask Avani to come to Japan with him for the Shaman Fight prelims, even though she'd just be a spectator
  • she basically tells him to shove it whoops
  • he does eventually convince her and she goes to Japan with him
  • maybe ends up entering the tournament?? not sure???
  • she does in fact join Shaman Fight I have decided
  • spirit allies are a bear named Courage and a raven named Cunning
  • her oversoul items are a glove with bear tooth bangles and moccasin boots with raven feathers
  • her raven mostly lets her move incredibly fast but she can also use some wind-based attacks with her legs; her bear is a brute-strength attacker that takes the form of a huge bear paw
  • very much about being fashionable -- normal casual outfit is a hot pink leather jacket over a black tube top, denim shorts with a flashy belt, and wedge sandals
  • she acts really tough but she's actually a total bleeding heart
  • needless to say at this point but she's shipped with Silva
  • she gets along fairly well with Kalim but doesn't really care for the rest of the officiants
  • more at 7 lol currently she's the most fleshed out Mankin OC I have