
7 years, 30 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Xu Jia (徐佳)


Over 1000 (looks 18-20)






6' 0"



An undead dancer. She was raised from the dead by an egotistical and shady Taoist priest, who planned to use her and more that she would eventually raise to take over ?????. She hopped away from her master because she was bored standing around one day, and almost joined a travelling circus before being spotted by Vara and promptly rescued.


  • Greyish skin
  • Dark navy-purple hair, down to her waist and in two pigtails
  • Slightly dull yellow-orange eyes, with bags under them
  • Mandarin shaped hat with a pair of bun caps underneath
  • Wears elaborate funeral clothes - a long sleeved shirt with cloth strips at the front and back, puffy trousers - all with embellishments
  • Long trail of jade beads wrapped around the chest
  • Forehead, neck, waist, legs and ankles covered in fireproof talismans
  • Yin-yang badges on either side of waist 
  • Black slip on shoes that have been cut in half to only cover the toes
  • Body covered in stitches and cuts
  • Flammable liquid hidden in sleeves ready to set alight


Jia can only move and get around via hopping, and as such, has become very efficient with her steps. She hops on the balls of her feet and shows surprising strength with her legs. She could be a good martial artist if she could actually bend her legs and arms. Being a dancer before she died does give her a little more flexibility than the average zombie, but she doesn't remember her past life at all and as such cannot bust out any killer moves.

As part of the undead, she cannot die unless due to specific circumstances. As a jiangshi, she is weak to fire, and her master knew how badly undead go with fire, and so prepared talismans that had a side effect that prevented her and her clothes from ever being set alight, but she doesn't know it at all. As such, she developed a slight obsession with fire itself, and learnt how to manipulate and breathe it for no other reason than for fun.

Jia without her talismans on, however… well, we don’t know because it’s never happened before, but we can assume that she’d go on some blind bloodthirsty flesh hungry rampage breathing fire everywhere like a rabid dragon. Who knows.


Jia doesn't seem to carry much of one, being as empty and hollow as her body is. She shows to be happy most of the time, hopping around aimlessly and without a clue in the world, often letting people direct her as to what she should do. This makes her somewhat of a pushover, and liable to being used/manipulated quite a bit, especially because of what she is. She speaks slowly like she’s thinking, but she fails to think things through at all and blindly follows whoever. She loves those she’s close to, especially her friends.