


2 years, 9 months ago


Dimitri Viotto

"I can do a one-handed keg-stand bbg..."

【name】 Dimitri Viotto
【called】 Ditri
【gender】 Non-binary
【age】 27
【height】 6'2
【race】 Tiefling
【role】 On the run royalty
【demeanor】 Classy Schemer
【element】 None
【flower】 Morning Glory


Dimitri hails from a LONG lineage of royal tieflings. To their misfortune, Ditri is next in line to inherit the throne. For years, they planned their great escape from the kingdom, wanting to live out their life frolicking with commonwealth and being able to explore other terrirtories without being noticed. Dimitri has never had their face shown to the public by request of their parents. They wanted to keep Ditri's identity confidencial, as it is tradition for the tieflings to reveal their knew leader during the coronation ceremony. So, this gave Ditri all the freedom to wander about the city and learn about the people they were to rule over in the future.

They have grown into a mischevious and very clever tiefling, able to befriend and charm many commoners. Along with their beauty, they have a way with words that has already made them distinctively loved among the citizenry. But, this has proved to be a problem, because much of the lower class despise the monarchy. So, what will they do when they realize their favorite hazbin is secretly about to lead that monarchy? Would they call Ditri a traitor? Or would they come to love their new ruler?


Dimitri hails from a LONG lineage of royal tieflings. To their misfortune, Ditri is next in line to inherit the throne. For years, they planned their great escape from the kingdom, wanting to live out their life frolicking with commonwealth and being able to explore other terrirtories without being noticed. Dimitri has never had their face shown to the public by request of their parents. They wanted to keep Ditri's identity confidencial, as it is tradition for the Viotto's to reveal the knew leader during the coronation ceremony. So, this gave Ditri all the freedom to wander about the city and learn about the people they were to rule over in the future.


They have grown into a mischevious and very clever tiefling, able to befriend and charm many commoners. Along with their beauty, they have a way with words that has already made them distinctively loved among the citizenry. But, this has proved to be a problem, because much of the lower class despise the monarchy. So, what will they do when they realize their favorite hazbin is secretly about to lead that monarchy? Would they call Ditri a traitor? Or would they come to love their new ruler?

Ditri's entire childhood was dedicated to daydreaming about what it'll be like once they run away from the kingdom. Making promises to friends who don't know about their royal status, travelling to other kingdoms to decide which was best to build a farm on, what job they would want to take up. All of these hopes brought them to a mysterious merchant that approached Ditri during a festival. Clearly foreign, the merchant promised great things to Dimitri, but the tiefling lord wasn't buying it. Just as they went to walk away, the merchant called out: "I know you're this kingdom's up-and-coming ruler, Dimitri Viotto!"

Of course, Dimitri immediately stopped and reapproached the mysterious merchant. To cut it short, the merchant promised Dimitri an even better escape plan than what they'd concocted before. The only thing the tiefling had to do was grab a random stone from the heart of the Wavering Wollows before coronation. So full of emotion, Ditri didn't think twice before agreeing to the figure's terms. And, just like that, the merchant was gone, leaving Ditri with a cold chill running up their tail, and a sudden feeling of regret.

》The Coronation(WIP)

The days krept closer and closer to the day of their coronation, and Dimitri had retrieved the stone from the heart of the dangerous Wavering Willows. As they travelled back to the kingdom, they couldn't help but wonder if this is truly what they wanted. They weren't sure what this stone meant for the merchant, nor how they knew Ditri was the heir. But they couldn't help but feel like it was a trap. How could it not be?

Re-entering the kingdom, Ditri looked around at the citizens they'd grown up with. How they all greeted Dimitri with open arms--and sometimes closed fists. It made the tiefling think....'How could I leave this all behind?' Ditri realized then that to runaway from responsibility would also mean running away from the opprotunity to make things better for the commonwealth. To runaway, with the abundance of wealth from being royalty, and the ability to afford disappearing when everyone they grew up around couldn't....it changed how Dimitri thought of becoming ruler. That stupid merchant would not be getting their stupid stone...

To be continued! WIP!

  • They love to have their hair touched, braided, whatever. As long as those luscious locks are getting attention. Just not from strangers--Ditri will consider it if they're cute.
  • Dimitri has almost gotten their identity found out twice. Both times were within the same month when they had a scuffle with the debt collector, who was trying to destroy their friend's tinkering-shop.
  • They have to carry the rest of their tail in a dumb little sack that they hold to keep it from blocking foot-traffic when they explore the busier parts of the kingdom.
  • Ditri sort of abuses their power of being beloved by the commonwealth to furthur the conspiracies that the ruler-to-be is handsome/beautiful. Because they tell such grand stories, everyone sort of believes them when they say: "I heard that the king and queens' heir is incredibly smart and kind! A little bird told me that, whoever this heir is, smells wonderful and has flawless skin~". Stuff like that-


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