Lady Hosokawa



3 years, 24 days ago


Lady Hosokawa

Lady Hosokawa
Ichijōdani Castle
PLAYABLE DEBUTSamurai Warriors 5

Lady Hosokawa ( 細川殿 ) is the daughter of Hosokawa Harumoto and the wife of Asakura Yoshikage. While she is initially loyal to her husband, she later questions his judgement when he defies Oda Nobunaga out of concern for their forces.

While in-game she is labeled as Lady Hosokawa, she is referred to as Tomo ( 委 ).

Role In Games

Samurai Warriors

Lady Hosokawa is first met after Akechi Mitsuhide and Toshimitsu Saitō help repel the forces from Wakasa. She invites them to Ichijōdani Castle where she tended to them and helped them recuperate. Seeing as they are the honored guests of the Asakura, she treats them well as if they were long time retainers of her husband. Tomo as well tended to Mitsuhide's wife, Tsumaki Hiroko care for her young child, commenting that it is good practice before she has any of her own.

When Nobunaga makes a show of the Azai forces at Omi, Tomo has her apprehensions towards Nobunaga as well as Azai Nagamasa's decision to join the Oda forces. She has a talk with him prior to his departure, but he dismisses her worries, thanking her for the unconditional concern she has shown to the Azai over the years. He reassures her all will be alright, and that Nobunaga is a man the Asakura can trust, after all, he vowed to leave the Asakura alone. This; however, does not soothe any of Tomo's worries.

She discusses her worries with Yoshikage soon after, but he tells her to not worry so much, as it can develop into paranoia and ultimately harm her. Her fears turn into frustration when Yoshikage refuses to march upon the capital as per Nobunaga's orders, and she scolds him about the consequences that his defiance will bring to the Asakura. And yet still, she fights against the Oda alongside her husband at Kanegasaki, and subsequently at Anegawa and is left angry when she finds the Asakura having flee back to Echizen to lick their wounds from the great loss. Fearing the worst, she is torn in asking her husband to surrender to Nobunaga or to fight until the end.

When the Asakura are cornered in Tonezaka, Tomo remained in Ichijōdani Castle as the last line of defense. Despite their best efforts, the Asakura only delayed the inevitable as the Oda army eventually pushes through the castle's defense. Tomo is faced with her husband's death at Mitsuhide's hands, and as a last act of defiance against the Oda, refuses to surrender and chooses to die with the Asakura, ultimately taking her own life before she could be taken prisoner.


Tomo is a gentle woman who is warm and welcoming of others who come to Echizen. She is generous and sincere, giving to others out of gratitude and well wishing. The welfare of others more often than not is her top priority in and out of battle. She cares deeply for her clan and her constituents and values their lives, never wishing anyone to throw their life away even for greater causes. She strongly believes that people should do their best to live, to see their greater cause become a reality.

However; when faced with conflict, Tomo's demeanor sharpens. She is alert and focuses on the survival of her troops as well as herself. Growing up surviving multiple assassination attempts, Tomo does not take any chances and is cutthroat in her decisions, even going so far as to refuse to forgive traitors fearing that she is letting her guard down. She becomes friecely protective of the Asakura when danger is afoot, but she also shows her more honest frustrations when she can see her forces struggling to gain the upper hand.

Tomo is a very loving woman at her core, but she is not the most idealistic. When faced with the consequences of her husband's actions, she becomes frustrated knowing it will only lead to their impending doom. She wishes that others around her had a better sense of self preservation and didn't throw their lives away in conflicts that they could avoid. However; she also knows when she is defeated, and is left angry at her own powerlessness. She will continue to fight, at least to keep her honor, as she is a Hosokawa, and will not go down cowering in fear.

Voice Actors

  • [ name ] - [ which game ] ( english or japanese )


  • "Forgive me, my lord, but I believe you are being unwise and rash in defying Nobunaga's orders."
  • "Tomo, do you not trust that we will prevail?"
  • "I have my hopes, but I also have my reservations. I am more concerned with the survival of the Asakura. If we fall here, who will protect Echizen?"
    ~ Lady Hosokawa and Yoshikage Asakura, before the Battle of Ichijōdani Castle

Historical Information

All that is known about Lady Hosokawa is that she is the daughter of Hosokawa Harumoto and the first legal wife of Asakura Yoshikage. She died of childbirth and siring Yoshikage a daughter.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Rengalia