eliza blackthorn



2 years, 9 months ago


eliza blackthorn

silent • gentle • stubborn

born from a blue poppy nature witch and a tiefling who left his clan, given more of the appearance of a tiefling and being the only unique member of the family. 

she's the youngest sister of the lavender witch, lolanthe who she looks up to and follows around like a small duck. 

neutral good

eliza willow blackthorn is born from lynae meadow and damreus blackthorn, a nature witch and a former clan tiefling. she's the youngest of the meadow grandchildren and caretaker of a fallen angel disguised cat, lucifer, who's her older brother's familiar. as having part of a nature witch blood, her tiefling growth is slower than an average tiefling. although eliza didn't earn nature powers as her family did, she strives to grow strong with her father and be alongside her nature-wielding family members.


eliza is a kind and strong girl, mostly silent as she's selective mute and her eyebrows do the talking for her. she's extremely positive and energetic, appreciating nature and trying to speak with them in hushed whispers. she enjoys picking flowers and decorating the house, her brother, or their cat littered with flowers. despite being an energetic person, she struggles with social cues and gets anxious after a while of interacting. eliza enjoys getting herself dusted in the dirt with gardening and training.


eliza's hair is a waved air force blue in a ponytail that carries a lavender and a blue poppy with some leaves in it. she has a round face, her skin a pale turquoise with small horns that are curving downwards and pointed ears that aren't pierced. different than her father's strong tail, she was a simple mouse-esque tail with fluffed fur at the end. alongside lolanthe, she inherits their father's purple eyes. 




being left out
stuffy clothes


cryophobia since she was six
carries a lot of flowers and fruits while holding the hem of her skirt
likes to keep her hair up

Designer link
Current Worth $0
  • inspired ( a bit ) by jester lavorre from critical role
  • flowers in her outfit represent her family
  • she can make her mouth disappear or appear whenever she feels like it
  • she doesn't have claws like her father yet

Lolanthe Blackthorn brother 

lolanthe being the older sibling, raised her while their parents were away for a short while alongside lucifer. they're extremely close and trust each other, have a mutual protective instinct, and inspire each other. eliza enjoys being carried by him and believes he's amazing.

Lynae & Damreus  parents 

lynae and damreus love eliza like she's the entire world. they don't leave her behind when it comes to complimenting, they support eliza's choices, even helping her with socializing and learning. they're proud with her growth and gives her space for expressing herself. despite looking like her father, damreus is proud that she carries her mother's fire.

Bellona Leon  close friend 

the two met after bell goes through a change of life after her mother's death. eliza tries her best to talk and shares her prized items for her to open. after bell becomes lolanthe's student, they become close, eliza supporting and helping bell with tips and tricks. they like to pester lucifer with playing and dress up at any chance they get. eliza enjoys having a sisterly bond with each other.