Senah Willow



2 years, 8 months ago


Birthday: 9/24

Age: 15

Born: Sequoias (Vacant Grounds), Terriya (pronounced Terry-yah)

Fav foods: Butternut Squash Soup, Baked Chicken with Rice and Gravy

Likes: Long car rides, Window shopping, Buffets

Dislikes: Public speaking, School

Outspoken and confrontational Senah hates to see others mistreated. She always seems to find herself in tight situations (due to her mouth and actions) -- yet she manages to get out of them. She has a big heart but no one to spread her love to since she’s been bullied for as long as she can remember. She has a tendency to cling to things that bring her most joy and the people that are kindest to her. She’s fondest of the little things.

She lives with her aunt (who Senah believes is her mother) in suburban parts of North America(they moved often). Until Senah was about six, she and her aunt lived in homeless shelters due to low funds and her aunt’s inability to speak. Senah always felt disconnected from her aunt--not just because of the speaking barrier but her aunt’s body language as well. She was always curious about her family but her aunt would never answer until Senah turned 13-- when she learned about the existence of the alternate world called “Terriya.” At 15, Senah finally leaves home in search of the alternate world of Terriya in hopes to find her family and find a place where she belongs.