Amelia Yang



2 years, 8 months ago


Birthday: 5/15

Age: 25

Born: Phashir (pronounced Fah-sheer), Terriya 

Race: Witch/Warlock

Fav foods: Nevaeh’s stir fry 

Likes: Learning new spells, Obnoxious Game Shows, Singing off-key on purpose, Kalvin

Dislikes: Cold weather, Heights, Cooking, Being followed

Seemingly a ball full of energy, Amy refuses to let anything negative reach her. Although she’s a quick learner, she struggles to pay attention and can’t focus on multiple things at once. She comes from a long line of witches who specialized in healing spells, yet she didn’t seriously study magic until about 12(the average age to start learning is 8). She can be selective about who she talks about her issues and worries to. She wants to always have a positive outlook on life.

She would often venture through the forest by her home in an attempt to study the fauna. One day through her ventures, she met Kalvin. They would often play and hang out together. At 9 when her parents were murdered, she traveled through Terriya with Kalvin. She finds the most comfort in him. She thanks him for teaching her magic and finding a relaxed version of herself. She and Kalvin eventually met Nevaeh through their journeys together and later lived with her. Amy volunteers her and the others (Nevaeh, Kalvin) in aiding Senah to find out about her parents and ancestry.