


2 years, 8 months ago


Birthday: 2/1

Age: 30

Born: Norevair, Terriya

Race: Norevairian (no magic)

Fav foods: Grilled salmon with greens

Likes: archery, hunting, hiking, friends, and family

Dislikes: her house getting destroyed, absolute silence, sleepless nights

       Raised by the general of the Norevair army, Neveah was taught to keep all emotions to herself. She limited all interactions with her peers but would do anything for them at the drop of a hat. Nevaeh knows an array of martial arts and is familiar with most weaponry but does best with a bow and arrow. At 14, she was appointed as general of the Norevairian army when her father disappeared. At 15, under Queen Yuki’s orders, she and her army attacked a small village in Sequoias. 

       Stricken with PTSD, Nevaeh stepped down from the army and ran away. She changed her name and took a path of righteousness to repent for the horrors she caused. She wandered the land of Terriya doing odd jobs and favors for many. One day she came across the two witches Kalvin and Amy, who were ill and starving to death, and nursed them to health. Unable to shake them off, she took the two under her wing and became a group of friends. Years later, she adopted two little girls, Nina and Ferra, and hoped to live the rest of her life peacefully. She eventually met Senah while wandering in the woods. After hearing Senah’s plea and Amy volunteering to help, Neveah reluctantly agreed to help Senah in her quest.