Mil's Comments

this guy still on hold?


hello^^ anyone peak your interest?

hey thank you for your offer but i went with someone else's offer!

no worries, thank you anyways^^

I didnt see anyone that interested me, but thanks for offering!

Would anyone in my th interest you for them?

Didnt see anything that interested me but thank u for offering!

i am so sorry if im bothering you but do you see someone in my th?? if multiples are needed, i can add! :0 its A-Okay if not!!

The most tent ones are sonas but please feel free to ask and list who you like!

im sorry i didnt see anyone that interested me!

Helloo! I could offer to get you a character if there's any you like ufs/o at the moment ^^

It would just count as a voucher but those are allowed on traded characters usually!

not looking at anything currently, but if something comes up I will let you know?

How much is your cap for the voucher?

Take your time really!

And honestly I should always be able to do a voucher of however much, but if it's over $100 I just may not be able to every day unless I freshly got a paycheck 

Alright! I’ll let you know if anything comes up that I’d like! :3

Thank youu!