Valence Kyris



Basic Info


Whitebox Hybrid




Vampire Cleric,  ~500 years old

Valence is a man who hides his pain under humor. As a long lived vampire, he has endured many tragic and horrifying situations, but has somehow stood the test of time, never losing his sense of empathy along the way. Even though he is a priest, he is sometimes called upon by his deity to unsavory things, but he tries to handle each case with as much kindness and dignity as he is allowed.

Unlike most vampires, he has many particular rules around the consumption of blood. For one thing, he views it as a ritual, more of an extension of his priesthood than simply as something to sustain his life. As such, he will never take blood from someone who has not given him express permission. He will also not bite a donor directly, preferring to drink it from his wine glass. He finds biting to be too intimate to do to anyone. It's thought that he has these rules in place to "anchor" himself to humanity,  staving off the more primal desires that usually come with his condition.

After meeting Valence I, The Mad King, he decided to take over the Umbral Court as his birthright, in order to set right the sins committed by them. After defeting Countess Verona and Valence I, who betrayed him, he was linally the King of the Umbral Court. HE then reunited with his long lost love, Aurora, who cured his vampirism with a kiss.