Jerrick Raiden



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Birth Name

Jaragh Maeana


Drow / Dark elf



Jerrick Raiden (originally born to the name Jaragh Maeana), wanders alone in the world. Renounced those who made him who he is now, Jerrick has lead a life full of hard lessons. Back when he once called the Underdark home, he lived with his father and had a reasonably happy home life. On his 8th birthday his father took him on his first raiding mission. They were to infiltrate a nearby thieves guild to acquire food and supplies. Jaragh, his father, and their trusted friend left under the cover of darkness. The mission was meant to be an easy one. Jaragh would stay with his father, and their accomplice would keep a lookout while they loaded their packs with their spoils. Things did not go according to plan. Their ally had abandoned his post, leaving Jaragh and his father unaware of the two thugs heading their way. They overpowered his father easily, Jaragh tried to fight them off even though he knew he wasn’t strong enough. One of those thugs was the leader of the guild. He was impressed by the drow child’s bravery, and saw an opportunity. He offered Jaragh a place in the thieves guild as his apprentice. With no one left to protect him, he had no other choice but to accept the offer. The thieves guild leader, BLANK gave him a new name. He would then on be known as Jerrick Raiden. 

His time being a member of the thieves guild was not pleasant. Most races hate the drow. Drow are commonly believed to be demon worshiping savages, who would enslave, and murder anything living in the light. These assumptions of the drow weren’t necessarily untrue, but Jerrick himself did not enjoy this kind of thing. In fact he found the drow spider goddess Lolth to be a terrifying monster, and was frightened of spiders. 

While on various thieving missions, Jerrick would always steal books if he could find them. He didn’t have an eye for any specific kinds of books, he would take any book. When he was a child his father had taught him the basics of reading,  with this knowledge he continued on and taught himself more. Jerrick always believed that the more he knew about the world, the better prepared he would be to live in it. After spending 15 years in the thieves guild, he felt confidant in his weapons training and his independent studies. Jerrick left the thieves guild silently in the night without a trace. Now, he lives free, on his own terms and for no one but himself.