


6 years, 9 months ago





  • veteran hunter of the healing church; he was formerly a member of the powder keg hunters before his resignation of title and unceremonious exile. during his time as a hunter, he was revered for his innovation and affinity for the guns he modified. like all powder kegs, however, he was branded by the majority in his profession as a heretic for his crude and brutal methods of hunting.     
  • once a devout believer in the healing church, emrys began to question his faith after the destruction of Old Yharnam. assuming it was powder kegs that were tasked with “cleansing” the city and ensuring the stop of the scourge, its safe to then assume that emrys was one at the front lines. in the name of the church he committed atrocities; setting the city ablaze and slaughtering the inhabitants- man, woman and child- alongside the beasts that overtook the city. he struggled with the ideal of morality, and found his own resolve through djura’s and his rejection of hunter oaths and obligations. 
  • emrys voices his concerns to those he sees as friends- including his partner hunter, ainsley. ainsley, a former scholar and student of byrgenwerth (more likely a “drop out”, as I imagine their thirst for knowledge was deterred by their want for glory via hunterism), warns emrys there are questions best left unanswered. 
    • they are unaware of the church’s true intentions, but yield enough insight to feel strongly that coincidences are mere fabrication.  they feel that the scourge is a product of the church’s ambition, and also feel that- while abhorrent in premise- the need for hunters is a necessary evil. ainsley themselves are amoral at best, but they recognize that emrys is a good man, noble if not a touch silly-hearted. they refrain from indulging too much of their own views, hoping to spare emrys the despair. 
  • emrys, however, fails to see ainsley’s intended mercy and chooses to speak with “friends” within the church directly. he is unable to forget the things he sees in Old Yharnam, the things that djura says in the wake of the blood and burning flesh; “the things you hunt, they’re not beasts. they’re people”
  • he is blind to the betrayal that follows. the church sees his prodding as a nuisance, and seeks ways that could turn the liked hunter into a sigil of sacrilege. their prayers are answered, in a form of divine atrocity. ainsley, who suffered from a failing brain (i can’t decide if i want it to be madness via insight or madness via a legitimate mental illness) and tainted blood, turns feral. emrys is forced to put them down, crushed and still grieving when the church forces blame into his lap. when faced with the claim of ansley’s beasthood, they refuse to believe it; trusting the hunter was in good health before viciously murdered by the true blood dunk hunter. with his reputation in tatters and life threatened if he chooses to stay within Yharnam, emrys retreats, forced into exile by those he was willing to sacrifice his life for 
  • he’s now one of the only remaining sane hunters- though he’d rather die than use the title for himself ever again. he lives in isolation, far from the cities’ limits, and fancies himself as good as dead to the church (considering the assassins have stopped coming for nearly a decade now). 

Additional Info:

  • sometime in his prime as a hunter, emrys lost his left arm. although rarely used now, he has a prosthetic limb that functions as a firearm. 
  • fc is timothy omundson 

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