Sully 0.3



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Sully 0.3

Nicknames: Project 0.3 (Mixu), Sullivan (Skullmore and Mixu),

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Skin Tone: Tumbleweed & Grey Asparagus 

Eyes: Cool Magenta

Hair: Dark Brown

Race: Tyrannosaurus Rex

Species: Dinosaur (Experimented On)

Height: 6'2

Weight: 203

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday: June 6th

Sign: Gemini

Abilities: Dinosaur Physiology (Claw Retraction, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision)

Likes: Sleeping, Watching TV, Listening to music, Lofi, Beef, Chicken, Any type of meat, Video Games, CDs, Hitting people with his tail, Pranks, Knawing on random objects, Beaches, Sitcoms, Sharpening his claws, Go-karts, Driving, Rollercoasters, Cotton candy, Beds, Bean bag chairs, 

Dislikes: Having to work, The TV not working, Having to share food, Lifting heavy things, Country Music, Chasing after someone, Any type of vegetable, Getting bosses around, Books, Quiz shows, Bad sleep, Being woken up, Typing, Having to buy any type of glove or shoes

Voice Headcannon: Greg Cipes:

Theme Song: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Personality: Sully is the true meaning of a couch potato. He is as lazy as lazy can get, often sitting around and enjoying the comforts of life and what it has to offer. For a dinosaur, especially a T Rex, Sully is very calm. Always taking every situation lightly even when it seems dangerous. He can also be childish, not listening to orders and teasing whoever he wants. When he isn't feeling lazy he is dare devilish. He loves to find adventure, on his own terms. It could be something as simple as binging a new show to something as complicated as climbing a building. It all centers around his mood. However, if something he cares about is messed with such as his TV, sleep, ECT. You will see another side to the dinosaur. He will be filled with rage, yelling, and thrashing around. Having what looks like a tantrum. Best to get out of his way if that happens. This dino breaks most expectations for what the T Rex is. Odd yet interesting, yes?

Bio: One day when Mixu Batchovee was looking for something in the backyard he ended up digging up an artifact. The said artifact was the bones of a T Rex's head, this fascinated the scientist and he had to know more about it. He took the bones inside for testing and studying. But when the other projects decided to take a look at the dinosaur's remains they accidentally spilled the scientist's serum onto it causing the bones to transform. Sully opened his eyes and was now a human/dinosaur hybrid. With a yawn and a sleepy look on his face, Sully went to the nearest seating area and took a long nap. Once Mixu figured out what had happened he was shocked to find out the remains were not even fully grown. Which explained Sully's lazy nature. Now he is a member of the Villainy...even if he doesn't tag along all the time... too busy being a lazy bonehead.